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I have a 24' X 72" space where I want to have a "yard"- stub-ended, with a maximum number of tracks that are as long as possible given the space.  I plan to buy Ross switches, and track and have them run off my Fastrack main line.  I also have two Lionel Coaling Station Kits 6-16874.



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I assume that you want to model a mine tipple and yard in that space. The tipple itself would be approximately in the center with equal amount of track on each side. The empty’s are pushed beyond the tipple and are then placed under the loading chute one by one by gravity. The loads are then stored below the tipple where the mine run shifter can get them and then shove more empties in above the tipple.  The Lionel coal tipple you have are very small single track tipples.  The tipple is where the coal is sorted and washed as it comes from the mine. There are several grades or sizes of coal. Each will have its own track for loading.  A single track tipple could only load “mine run” coal which is an unsorted mixture.

Look at the photo section of the Norfolk & Western Historical Society for ideas. There are several books available on coal mining and the coal railroads.

The attached photos are my work and photos on Will Allen’s Duckunder Terminal layout.

I hope this helps



Images (2)
  • 420A711F-A323-4AEB-8688-0C818D95B079
  • FE96F015-8EDD-4B67-BC15-7FB3E9FBF649

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