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Well, an attempt at self repair, coupled with forgetting which wire goes where, has left me in need of some help. Can anyone steer me towards a wiring diagram for a 6-18009? I believe that this chassis was used for a few other models as well so maybe there is a generic one I could look at?

The Lionel web site shows an exploded parts diagram, but I need to see how the wiring goes.

Thanks for any help you can give.


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Cjack, thanks for the tip, it looks to be somewhat later production than my Mohawk and the wiring runs through some RS boards, which mine does not have.

If somebody has a 6-18009, I would appreciate if the next time you have the shell off, snap and post a couple of closeup pics. It might just give me enough of an idea of the wiring layout to get this thing running again.   Or info on a So. California repair option would be appreciated as well.

Alex M. graciously offered to repair this engine sometime ago, but when I got around to calculating the shipping back to him it was very expensive. He does first rate work, but I'll have to look closer to home for repair options.

Thank you,




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