Howdy, y'all.
I've been working with Lionel's O (really O-27) scale since I was 6 (two years before the suggested "8" on the box), and I've managed to keep up every piece of rolling stock I've ever purchased (including the badly damaged Lionel AT&SF caboose I bought from a Children's Palace going out of business). That being said, I've been working at building up a layout, but prefer elements more in line with my growing up years -- the late 1970s-2000s, as opposed to the 1950s or earlier.
The reason I bring this up is that I want to find some billboard art to insert into those freestanding or lighted billboards sold by Lionel and MTH (or in MTH's lighted passenger stands, included with the station they sold in the late 1990s). The trouble is, most billboard art I've seen sold on eBay are of advertisements long before my time, or of railroad passenger trains in lines that are nowhere near where I live (Memphis, TN; such as GN's Empire Builder, or NYC's Pacemaker). Do y'all know of someone who creates new (or custom) billboard art for these frames? If so, here's some of what I have in mind:
- Southern Railway's "The Tennessean" (I'm ok with either the steam or diesel versions)
- Jersey Central's "Blue Comet"
- Santa Fe's "Super Chief" - not exactly 'new', but I do own a Super Chief style Alco.
- Missouri Pacific/Mo-Pac's "Eagle"
- Amtrak's "City of New Orleans" - currently the only passenger train still passing through Memphis. I'm pretty sure it uses a Genesis diesel.
- Commercial (read: freight) ads for Norfolk Southern, Southern Rwy., Missouri Pacific (late 70s - post-merger), Union Pacific, Rock Island ("The/Route Rock"), Illinois Central ("Gulf", "Mainline of Mid-America", or dull gray era), Frisco, Burlington Northern, BNSF, or CSX. (I'm not ready to accept the CN takeover of ICG just yet. Generic Amtrak ad is OK)
- (Roadside style) Commercial ads for Exxon, Amoco, Operation Lifesaver, Holiday Inn, Motel 6, Ikea (we have one of those now), (Continental) Trailways (late 70s - pre-merger), Federal Express/FedEx, McDonald's, Mrs. Winner's (Chicken & Biscuits), Jack Pirtle's Chicken (it's a Memphis thing)
- Among some of the businesses listed, it would be a welcome change if the ad included elements that only a roadside billboard might, such as directions to reach said business ("Turn Left", "1 mile on right", etc.)
- Unconventional billboards for fictious businesses, such as Cooter's/Hazzard County Garage, Porky's (yes, I mean that one, from the movies), Boars Nest (yes, Boss Hogg's Boars Nest)
- If you've ever watch The Dukes of Hazzard, the billboard with Boss Hogg asking people to "Drive Carefully".
- University of Memphis -- there's a Univ. of Arkansas at Pine Bluff billboard in the middle of Memphis -- near no Southern Arkansas-bound highways, so why not?
-'s "Steel Interstate" promo (I'll attach it below.)
- Norfolk Southern's "cross carefully, get home safely" ads - I'm fond of "She needs story time" and "They still need you".
Before I go on (and on), what billboard art would you like to see as an option for your layouts, either as cardstock or a pre-cut decal?
-- Cybertronian.