I have been working on this area for about 3 months this is my industrial area, round house and service area it coal mine with yard .
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I have been working on this area for about 3 months this is my industrial area, round house and service area it coal mine with yard .
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Very nice.
Looks very impressive. It shows a good deal of effort put forth.
I have to share with you that the building with the saw tooth roof reminds me of a current dilemma I am having to deal with. I have been helping a non-profit health care provider for individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities to build a Wellness Center for their people served and for the greater community. We recently learned that a for profit business wants to build an identical facility in an old vacated saw tooth roof building. Your structure is beautiful, but boy the 1 to 1 structure is a sore point (pun intended) for me these days.
Nice job. I like the way you have held consistency in the structures by having them all fall within the same historical time period - 1930-40's type brick and wood structures. I also like the coal tipple. Did you scratch build that, or was it a kit? (I think you posted a few months ago about that. Correct?) Needs some more detailing but that will be a great structure for filling in with all the equipment, company name, people, grimy coal dust etc.
Edit - PS, I just noticed the Reading name on the Tipple. Looks super...
Thank you for sharing your work.
Guy - That is great! You have really done a nice job creating this overall scene.
coming along nicely. that's a great selection of buildings
keep posting photo updates
Thanks for all the reply's and the like's , Wood the coal tipple is a kit it is from K&P Brick & Building Co. and yes it was on another post Going Green but I didn't think that title fit this scene, I built all the building except the gas station & the motor bike shop , I do have more detail done I just have to take more picture's .
WOW! You go Guy!
Matt P.
Guy.....your scenes are fantastic! The layout is coming along very nicely....everything fits together and complements each other. Please keep the pictures coming!
Just a terrific job.
Lots of variety in the buildings provides a lot if interest.
From the engine facilities, to the loading docks and the bike shop.
But my favorite and maybe the centerpiece is the Lionel factory.
Your industrial area looks great.
Alan Graziano
Very well done!
Very nice, where did you get the Sunoco tank? I have been looking & haven't found one.
Thank You
Ken M
Ken the sunoso tank is a Lionel I got about a month ago when I tour down a layout down as part of the payment with a lot of other thing's I don't know if they making it any more ,I will be posting more pictures soon .
Excellent work. Like the industries sharing a common spur. Makes for more interesting car spotting.
Thank you Guy
Ken M
I have added telephone poles with wires ,ballast some track around the round house and turn table , some trees down buy the station ,loaded the yard with hopper car's at the coal tipple ,some grass here and there ,some more clutter around building ,added a diner and car's and truck's .
I added some more picture's .
Guy...it just keeps getting better!! I like the busy look...just like the real world..
Looks real nice.
Very, very nice. I may have missed it, but could you enlighten us on whose structures they are?
Trainman the motor bike & gas station are woodland scenic ,the green & blue Shultz Gear Co came model tech ,train station is mth ,the coal tipple is K&P Brick co and the rest are Korber .
Rattler21 the pacemaker are ERTL .
Great work, thank you for posting
Mike CT
Guy, I can see how much you enjoy the hobby. It's a wonderful layout. Steve
I like that eleventh photo in the first group, which, as do some others, shows that
board fence, and looks like a 1 to 1 view "down by the tracks".
Thanks for all the reply's and the like's, there only a few small thing that I'm going to do on this section of the layout and it will be done ,I try to take picture down close to see the detail and make it like your there ,the board fence I have a customer that I built his platform got me hook on it he used it all over the place and I like it, I also use the stone wall a lot and all the clutter is from Model tech ,it is time to go to another section start something new , will post more when I get something done.
If you would not told me it was not real I woul have thought it was reallife good job keep pictures cooming!! - Matt
Thank you for sharing! Cheryl and I have looked at these and can't believe how far you've gotten. Very, very impressive. Good seeing you Sunday!
Lee the big building is the Lionel Train Factory and the other is the Sore Gum Factory they are from Korber Model's I got them about twenty years a go I weather them and added the guy's on the roof, they have not been modify, they are both old kits they don't make them at this time , the Lionel Factory is 36"x22" . Most of the warehouse building are Korber I built and weather all them .
Exceptional scenes. Love the coal cars
Great work!
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