Okay, I need some advice and guidance please. I was fortunate to have @DoubleDAZ help me with scarm to get my layout planned. I just received my track and put it on the platform. Although I am still waiting for some parts to come in before doing roadbed, etc. I need help with how this should be wired with my current setup. I am on a limited budget and both my trains ran fine on my Lionel fast track. One is a new L1 Mikado and the other is a 1950's Sante Fe transformer/conventional driven. I pre-ordered the base 3. Outside of that, I have no other systems, other than Lionchief app. The base 3 will also come with Cab3 app. I have never built a layout and have limited idea on how this all works. My power source is an old ZW that was refurbished and works perfectly. I also bought a little protection for the L1 and as stated before, both trains rain perfectly before the new build. I have watched 100 videos on this topic and none match specifically what I have. I am wondering if someone has experience similar to mine? Most people I have seen either have new setups or only old setups. I would still like to run the Sante Fe, with the transformer. I have seen it done, just not the wiring piece. I am trying to convince my wife to get a new Sante Fe set and display hers on the wall. It is in pristine condition and all the other ones I have seen are old and scratched up. Even if I am only able to run new trains, again I need someone to help me with basic guidance. Attached is the layout designed by @DoubleDAZ So there is clarity on the ask, the design is for any train to run on all tracks. The outer loop will be raised or inner, still working that out. There are 6 switches to allow for this to happen. Does each loop need to be on seperate power? If so, how does that affect the transformer controlled train? Can both loops be on one power source? I have seen many large layouts with ZW and a 180 brick, but this layout is small 80"x80" And, based on my experience with FastTrack, i have plenty of power. Over the holiday I had both trains running from the ZW on seperate tracks (Lionel FastTrack, which I traded in for the upgrade to Atlas O . To test, I put in 1 terminal block in the middle of layout and used a couple alligator clips to clamp on a straight line with my Mikado on it. It powers up, but not fully, not enough power to even connect to the app or make any sounds,light in cab flickers, so clearly i am doing something wrong. Again, I am a novice to the hobby and need as much help as possible. Thanks ahead of time!
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