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We are now offering this newest electronic control unit for L.E.D.'s. This is a TWIN CONVERTER that will energize up to fifteen 20ma L.E.D.'s from each end.

This unit was originally made for powering the pre-1966 American Flyer BALDWIN switch engines red and green marker lights. But, this unit can also be used for the same use on any diesel engine or to power L.E.D.'s in your housing complex or switch yard where you want to power multiple L.E.D.'s from a single source.

Lead in AC power wires are 28AWG stranded wire and the power out put DC wires are 32AWG stranded wire.


This is a lot of converter for a very low price of only $6.95 ea. which includes shipping in CONUS

Dave, LBR




Images (2)
  • #TLEDC-1
  • #TLEDC-2
Last edited by CUSTOM "O" DECALS
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