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I prefer running my mth engines with the remote vrs. The app for the tactile feel. I got a wiu and used the app when it first came out. Had to get the latest and greatest right. Figured if I did not like using it at least guest or other operators could run engines with there phones when they came over.

Now today I got to thinking about blunami for some reason and there app. George said you could use the app for setting up a loco then running it with your dcc remote. So a light bulb went off in my head that said hey how about trying this with my dcs app.

Mind you I hardly ever use it. In fact this weeked I tryed it on a couple of locos and it worked fine. Although I still went back to the handheld remote. Fast forward to tonight. I tryed one engine using the app. Setting all the settings to how I wanted them. Volumes,smoke,max speed and such. Then shut off the engine grabed my handheld remote powered up the engine and wala the settings on my remote were the same as I had just set them. Then I ran the engine a bit and shut it down.

This is now my new way of adjusting the engine settings for all my mth engines from now on. It is a lot quicker than scrolling through the remote doing all the adjustments.  The only thing I wish the app could do is re organize the softkeys. I like to set the first four on my remote to specific ones. The first two being extended start up and shut down. This is just my preference for operations.

For those who hate or do not wish to use the app to run your trains this may at least get you thinking twice about using the app. I do not know why I had not though about doing this a long time ago. Seems when I come back to playing with the app I learn somthing new go figure.

Just thought I would share this here. It may help some who were like me and did not know this was even possible.

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I have not had many opportunities to run my trains for the past several years. The club layout is now almost exclusively Lionchief with no DCS or even TMCC!  I would have to take my TIU back and forth each visit and I have fallen away from using it there altogether. I sold off my Legacy 990 set awhile back but have recently learned to add my Lionel engines to the MTH remote and they run fine on a friend's large layout with DCS. I am anxious to get the new DCS app when available and learn how to use it.

@c.sam posted:

I have not had many opportunities to run my trains for the past several years. The club layout is now almost exclusively Lionchief with no DCS or even TMCC!  I would have to take my TIU back and forth each visit and I have fallen away from using it there altogether. I sold off my Legacy 990 set awhile back but have recently learned to add my Lionel engines to the MTH remote and they run fine on a friend's large layout with DCS. I am anxious to get the new DCS app when available and learn how to use it.

Wow, I've never heard of a club going strictly LC!  That's certainly an odd direction to go.

Yes it is John, my sentiments ed-zackly!   The property owner resisted TMCC for years and wouldn't buy MTH either. As the layout got larger I quit bringing my TIU as it was intermittent much of the time. Sometimes I would bring my Legacy set if I wanted to test a new locomotive but that became a hassle as well. I am woefully ignorant of Lionchief and it's several variations and have no interest in acquiring any. Eventually, several of the others started buying Lionchief and the owner did too. We have a pile of colorful remotes!

I also use the lionchief app to set the individual volumes on my legacy engines. you can not individually adjust them with the cab 2. maybe you will be able to with the cab3 app. l live in an apartment so being quiet and not full volume is essential. plus it lets me hear the crew talk over all the other things such as the engine volume even when the overall volume is lowered.

just my 2 cents,but at least for me the apps come in handy for engine settings. they are easy and quick. then its the physical remotes for the operations. this way your not having to look at the phone screen when your operating your trains in an opp session.

guess now I have a new way of looking at the phone apps it seems and a new appreciation for them now.

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