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I'm not sure this is the correct forum for this but it isn't really trains but more like a new structure.

I was finally able to get my shelving up on my basement wall.  It is re-cycled "TrainShelf" brand (I think) brown colored shelving.  I have one row of Standard and the rest are O gauge.  The majority of trains that will go on the shelfs are postwar Lionel with a little prewar.

I'm looking for ideas as to how to "populate" the shelving.  As you can see from the pictures, they are quite long runs.

My dilema is that I have some sets, mostly passenger, including prewar Union Pacific M10000 in Yellow and Silver, postwar Canadian Pacific, Presidential, Santa Fe, and Congressional.  However, on the postwar passenger cars, I also have separate ones that are not in sets.  Does anyone have thoughts on how best to lay these out?

I also have most of the postwar freight, including all the 6464 series boxcars, gondola, tank cars, hoppers, etc.  Would they look better kept together in a block type configuration going up and down in columns or should would they look better set up in a linear fashion along one row?

Any thoughts or pictures of your trains on shelves is appreciated.



Images (2)
  • PXL_20240427_211848892
  • PXL_20240427_211854332.MP
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IMHO, train sets belong together; i.e., "What Lionel has joined together, let no one put asunder."  Subsequent add-ons to sets could be placed with that set.

Suggestion #1: Group trains of a railroad together:  PRR, NYC, UP, etc.; especially passenger sets

Suggestion #2:  Group trains of a specific type together by locos:  Bershires, Pacifics, Northerns, F3, F7, etc.

Suggestions #3: Group rolling stock of a kind together:  as per your plan to gather 6464 boxcars together, then on to hoppers, tankers, stock cars, flat cars with loads, gondolas, cabooses, etc.

Suggestion #4:  Dedicate one shelf to your personal favorites: steam, diesel, and electrics

In my case, a decision for groupings on shelves was simplified because all trains are of the Rock Island.

Carry on, regardless ...

Mike Mottler    LCCA 12394
"The main difference between men and boys is the price of their toys"


Images (1)
  • MHM with Trains 1

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