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Hello everybody

I am new to 3 rail and I have a 10'x20' layout with 2 mainline loops. I currently have an 80 watt and 40 watt transformers to power each loop. I am considering purchacing a MTH DCS system. I am wondering what I will need to purchace for it. What kind of power supplies do I need and how many will I need. I don't have any 3 rail DCS engines but I am considering buying a PS2 equiped locomotive. I have 2 Lionel conventional locomotives and a MTH PS1 locomotive. What else will I need?

Thank you

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Originally Posted by buddy6:
Hello everybody
I am new to 3 rail and I have a 10'x20' layout with 2 mainline loops. I currently have an 80 watt and 40 watt transformers to power each loop. I am considering purchacing a MTH DCS system. I am wondering what I will need to purchace for it. What kind of power supplies do I need and how many will I need. I don't have any 3 rail DCS engines but I am considering buying a PS2 equiped locomotive. I have 2 Lionel conventional locomotives and a MTH PS1 locomotive. What else will I need?
Thank you


First welcome.  MTH sells a DCS kit that includes one TIU (Track Interface Unit) and one handheld.  You can power the TIU with a decent plug-in power supply or purchase the MTHZ4000.  The Z4000 will allow you to power the TIU, accessories and then you could use the second handle for your conventional locos on your second mainline (you can also use the handheld by wiring the TIU to the variable channel, but we'll save that for another discussion).  I don't know what you are running accessory wise, but one Z4000 should do the trick for some time.  Like you I'm new to DCS and I have to say it is a great way to run trains.  It is easy to hook up and after a while using the remote becomes second nature.  Also pick up Barry's DCS handbook, from Amazon, MTH or other vendor.  He does an excellent job of explaining DCS and some of the advanced concepts. Fianlly, here is a good resource for DCS.  Also has a list of approved power supplies:

Good luck!

Last edited by ChessieMD


   Having helped many different people with their layouts I recommend the purchase of the OGR DCS Video Guide and Barry's DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd edition.  If you have an older ZW or KW transformer they can power your DCS and Legacy layouts.  You can usually pick up a rebuilt KW transformer for around $75.00, a ZW transformer for around $125.00.  The MTH DCS can run both P2/3 Engines and Conventional Engines from the same DCS hand held remote control, at the same time. Rich on the DCS Video Guide does a good job of visually showing how to set up the DCS layout.

Hope this helps you get started.



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