Originally Posted by Doc Davis:
This question has been asked several times in the past with no reprimands.
I didn't reprimand anyone. I just asked a logical question. No one here works for Scenic Express, so why would the OP expect that someone could answer the question here? That's all I asked. Direct contact with the vendor will get an accurate answer, as opposed to the second-hand answers you will get from various OGR Forum Members.
Originally Posted by drodder:
I asked here because: 1) I still haven't heard from them and 2) I GET MORE INFORMATION FROM FORUM MEMBERS THAN VENDERS. This is a good site, but a little too condescending at times.
Condescending? What is condescending about asking a perfectly logical question...a question that has been asked here MANY times in the past. If you want an answer to this question, Contact Scenic Express!
Scenic Express, Inc.
175 Sheffield Drive, #100
Delmont, PA 15626 USA
Phone Numbers:
Toll-Free Sales: (800) 234-9995 (US & Canada Customers Only)
Sales: (724) 468-3106
Technical Support: (724) 468-3127
Fax Numbers:
Sales: (724) 468-3879
Technical Support: (724) 468-3879