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I original had my Lionel zw-l connected to all four channels, I was setting up a five channel with a another tiu for layout expansion. Wanting to use the zw-l for the new tiu I powered the fixed channels on the original tiu with two Lionel 185 watt bricks connected to the fixed channels on the original tiu and the variable channels powered by the zw-l. Once I did this I had no power output from the tiu on the variable channels. I read Barry book and took the tiu apart to check the fuses. I did have one blown fuse which I replaced. Then I re installed the Tiu and still had no power output from the variable. I check the input power to the variable channels and it was 18 +.  Reading the book again I did a factory reset to the tiu and still had no power output from the variable. I check the controller and set the variable to fixed and still no power. I then set the tracks on the controller to 22 voits and still no power.  Thinking it maybe the tiu, I installed the new one and have the same issues. 


Any help would be appreciated. My gray hair is now falling out.......  


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Do you have the TIU's set to the same address? You may be confusing them. Make sure that your TIU address are different by checking the red light inside the TIU, when you power them up they will blink. Count the number of blinks on each TIU, this is the TIU address. Then set them to different address if they aren't already. Next make sure that all the channels are turned on for fixed or variable I am assuming you are going to use them all as fixed channels. Then set all the TIU's into super TIU mode otherwise when your locos leave the jurisdiction on one TIU that they are initially associated with you will lose control of the engines

Originally Posted by bluelinec4:

We have had nothing but trouble with the Rev L variable ports   The Power FET's are the problem   MTH had two of our bad ones for over 4 months trying to figure it out.  They wound up just sending us two new ones which one had the same problem

Sound like the same thing, I have going on. I have 5 aiu connect to work my switches. I don't want to send them off, I guess I'll have to use the fixed of the two tiu, to get 4 loops. 

Originally Posted by rboatertoo:
Originally Posted by bluelinec4:

If it is a Rev L TIU there is a chance that the VAriables are blown  We have replaced 6 TIU Rev L's because of the problem

Is there a sure way to tell if they are for sure blown? Yes, they are rev L.  I am relying on my transforms to protect my tiu, should I be doing more? 

Had an early TIU loose the two variables. Just used the fixed after that and varied the voltage at the transformers.


A question for all, are the two variables more fragile when used as variable and more robust when they are set to full voltage?

Last edited by BobbyD

Failure of the variable channels of the Rev L was the topic of a couple of discussions for a while last year then went away. Did not seem to be a big problem expect for a couple of forum members.


However, because of this potential issue I have my Rev L TIUs setup in passive mode hoping this will not be a problem when there is no power going through the channels.  My layout control is via Lionel products, so I use my TIUs for engine control only.

Last edited by CAPPilot
Originally Posted by CAPPilot:

Failure of the variable channels of the Rev L was the topic of a couple of discussions for a while last year then went away. Did not seem to be a big problem expect for a couple of forum members.


However, because of this potential issue I have my Rev L TIUs setup in passive mode hoping this will not be a problem when there is no power going through the channels.  My layout control is via Lionel products, so I use my TIUs for engine control only.

Ron I'm curious were you able to get a good  DCS signal with the var channels set to FXD in passive mode?   Of course the tiu must be turned on.

 Testing the var channels might go something like this ... Power to fixed 1 or an aux power supply to turn the TIU "on"


Full power to VAR 1 IN     select Menu/ System/ DCS set up/ select the or high lite VAR 1 and select FXD..... There is a slight delay and after a couple of seconds  VAR 1 out should come to life.... repeat with var 2. If you get voltage it's time to add a engine or do a track signal test. good luck



Originally Posted by Gregg:

 Testing the var channels might go something like this ... Power to fixed 1 or an aux power supply to turn the TIU "on"


Full power to VAR 1 IN     select Menu/ System/ DCS set up/ select the or high lite VAR 1 and select FXD..... There is a slight delay and after a couple of seconds  VAR 1 out should come to life.... repeat with var 2. If you get voltage it's time to add a engine or do a track signal test. good luck



Thanks Greg, I have already tried that.  

Originally Posted by bluelinec4:
Originally Posted by rboatertoo:

I am running both legacy and dcs through the tiu.  I'll think twice before investing in more dcs control. 

How do you run Legacy through a TIU  I don't understand

My track power runs from the tiu, I hook up a wire from the binding post of the legacy base and attach it to the all of the negative outputs of the tiu.  

Originally Posted by RJR:
Just ocurred to me.  There is a rare software bug that may be the cause.  Call MTH.

Thanks Rjr.  I am heading to York and will be attending the DCS meeting and plan on getting all my tiu and hand held controllers updated.  I hope they have the fix for the bug you mentioned. For now I am just running four loops attached to the fix outputs of  two tiu's. 

Lord willin' & the creek don't rise, current plan is that I'll be one of the upgraders at York.  Hope to meet you there.  Look for the cantankerous looking guy at the upgrade table.  Hopefully, the V 5.0 mentioned in another thread will be available by then.


I'm checking with a contact to see if this sounds like the very rare bug.


You ought to move to Virginia.  I take the boat out all year, except when the river is frozen, which is usually only for a few weeks.

Last edited by RJR
Originally Posted by rboatertoo:
Originally Posted by bluelinec4:
Originally Posted by rboatertoo:

I am running both legacy and dcs through the tiu.  I'll think twice before investing in more dcs control. 

How do you run Legacy through a TIU  I don't understand

My track power runs from the tiu, I hook up a wire from the binding post of the legacy base and attach it to the all of the negative outputs of the tiu.  

So Legacy really isnt't going through the TIU   Just checking because that is a problem.  The Rev L TIU Variable ports are a major PITA  They have failed so many times that we switched to Passive mode  We still had a problem with one  We might even try to double up every TIU and just used Fixed

Originally Posted by RJR:

Lord willin' & the creek don't rise, current plan is that I'll be one of the upgraders at York.  Hope to meet you there.  Look for the cantankerous looking guy at the upgrade table.  Hopefully, the V 5.0 mentioned in another thread will be available by then.


I'm checking with a contact to see if this sounds like the very rare bug.


You ought to move to Virginia.  I take the boat out all year, except when the river is frozen, which is usually only for a few weeks.

I know I should move, but family is all here..... I do curse my ancestors  for not having started out south!!!!

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