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Today we started up a big 5  power district layout which ran fine yesterday, and not one TIU  is putting out a signal. Wi-Fi is communication with the TIU's, the handheld remotes are communicating and I tried them tethered also. Two different remotes and 2 different Apple I pads. The tablets and remotes are reading the TIU info such as TIU number and firmware. The power districts are not connected in any way. We shut down all but one power district at a time and no change!  Power is going to the tracks, but no signal. System not find the engines loaded in the tablets or the remotes I took one of the offending TIU's  home with me and it works fine on my layout, 10 signals,  finds engines and they run good.  Polarity to the transformers has not changed. What are we missing???

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I am far from expert on DCS but are batteries in engines good? am assuming you tried powering up a dcs engine? are all tiu's set to fixed signal and dcs signal is turned on for all outputs be it variable or fixed channels. did you add engines to any tiu's yet? if so are the tiu's in normal or super mode? if I remember correctly and I could be so wrong on this but once all engines added and change to super tiu I believe the tiu with engines needs set from tiu #1 to tiu #2 prior to setting tiu's in super mode. or someone better at dcs than I am will correct me and that's okay folks as a dcs guru not so much.

maybe some of this will get the brain thinking and find the oh oh that happened to last time used.

Last edited by StPaul

Here is what we found, . Had a conflict between remotes and Tablets because unless you wipe the  APP literally, On IOS devices its double tap the control button and you should see some Wi-Fi DCS screens. These are in memory. Literly take you finger and wipes these off these off the device screen.  Then I went one by one on the TIU's, checked the TIU number and corrected if necessary. Then set the variable to fixed and signal on. Did this on all five with only one on at a time. Then went back to number one TIU and loaded the engines. Then set all TIUs in Super mode and everything ran through all five power districts.   But!! before lunch a separate IOS was used to access number one TIU,  After lunch there was no power on VAR 2. Checked with the original device and had to switch VAR 2 off and on vola power back which leads us to believe that another IOS device, not set up like the primary started a whole string of problems.   We are setting up some rules about using other tablets., hopefully not repeating the issue. Sorry for the long explanation. Do not know if this problem has been identifed before 

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