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It was a good show with a good walk in and table holder participation. A tribute to the years Sam and Janet made it an event to enjoy. There were new people to meet and many good buys and a trade or two, The tables were arranged to allow very easy access and much room. Arrangements were made to provide a nice lunch and coffee and donuts in the morning. We missed Bill Davis and some of the east coast dealers.

The good news was the announcement that a new promoter has signed up to continue the show into the future.

Thanks Sam, Janet and Skylar.

The good news was the announcement that a new promoter has signed up to continue the show into the future.

Good news indeed. Hopefully better advertising and promotion will expand this show in scope.  We need more shows of this size and could probably expand this to a monthly rotation through more states.  Maybe O Scale Central could step up and coordinate something that would promote the scale more through establishing such a network.

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