Don't forget that there are layouts on ping-pong tables and just about every other material used to build tables, including the many portable tables out there. To be sure, there are plenty of advantages to the tried and true L-girder method using 1x4 lumber, but even that depends on the quality of the lumber and that can get expensive, especially if it's not necessary. Jim Barrett did an entire series in OGR Magazine on using 1x3, 2x2/2x3 and 1/2" plywood. Some people cut 3/4" plywood into 3" strips to get inexpensive 3/4x3 material. And then there's Mianne that uses 1x3's and I-beams. Like others have said, a lot depends on your layout. I have a modular grid system designed using plywood strips, but I'm still debating between it and 2x4's. I used 2x4s with 1" foam for my Christmas layout and as long as I wasn't going to get up on it, it worked just fine. But even if you find straight 2x4's, chances are they will warp over time and may cause the roadbed to warp too.