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I don't know if I'm being a bit too aprehensive about the size that my O scale trains are going to take up or if I'm ''on the right track," no pun intended.

 I have mapped out about a 15' wide by 40' long area of basement that will have to dodge a furnace&staircase to the upper level of the house,for my hoped for future Oscale 3 rail layout. As everyone knows that's been following many of my posts,I've still not been able to sell my massive 30+ years of HO scale trains.

I took a couple recently aquired 4750 cu ft covered hoppers from Atlas down to the basement today&I'm beginning to get afraid the O scale cars will look too massive for the area I have.(?) If I had about a 30' wide basement,then I wouldn't be so concerned. I see layouts smaller than mine&they look great,although my 15' width is going to "push the envelope" & make the trains look toyish I'm beginning to think.

My setting will be in Indiana flatland. The emphasis is to be on switching along double-track mainlines,with all types of industry spotted along the tracks. There'll be at least 1 large grain elevator with feed mills,a chemical factory,paper factory,lumber using factory,as well as other industries. I was hoping for ethanol,but ethanol tankers are few&far between at the moment as far as I've been able to see .

I have 12 car grain trains in HO that'd look just fine in my space&considering the width,I'm thinking maybe HO would look much more at home in that space.

Two layouts I've looked at in Great Model Railroads,are both occupying 24'x32' spaces.

I'm planning on using 072 switches&track radius on the maines,so I feel I'm pushing the limits of realism.

What do you railroaders think? Stay with HO or will I be okay in O?

Thanks in advance for all your opinions.


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Personally, I'd get some good track planning software and see what you can come up with to fit in your basement.  If you can stick with 80" diameter curves or bigger, I'd say go for it.


Also, don't dwell on the 15 foot width.  You have 40 feet of length to play with which will really give you a lot of options.  


Many nice O scale layouts have been built in spaces smaller than yours.

I had a similar choice to make. my room is 12 by 22 feet. I really wanted to see the detail on my trains and I wanted broad curves. So, O scale and around the wall double main provided me the best solution for  long passenger trains that can be close coupled and close coupled steam and diesel locomotives. You have the room where you can bring industries out on islands. In real life one very seldom sees and entire train nose to tail, but rather watch it stream by.

If you want to see 20 or 30 cars at one time go with the HO. If you want great detail one can see from 5 or 10 feet away and robust locomotive sounds go with O scale.

Everything is a compromise whichever way you go.

My two cents. Good luck and enjoy yourself.


You have enough room to keep the trains from looking toy like. You also have enough to build any type of operation that you like. (Continuous, point-to-point, or both). A folded bone or around the room limits the wide areas needed to turn a train around. Reach is an issue in O.


peninsulas and under layout staging areas can maximize space utilization.


A 5.5 to 6 inch center rail-to-center rail is desirable on the curves to accommodate any modern scale engines and cars.


Your probably good with sketching the layout or SCARM is free and easy to learn to let you create some designs.


I think the design should develop easily for you as you have some "Givens" already with location and type of operation to guide the planning.


Some turn around examples attached for area reference. 0-89 needs 12'L x 8'W to turn around and 0-138 needs 18.5'L x 12'W to turn around.


Please keep us posted as you decide.


Images (2)
  • Alan GG 089
  • Alan GG 138
Thanks much Moonman,have been eyeing the penninsulas & thinking these would be good for industries. 6-12 car grain trains would probably be best along one of the 2 40' lengths of mainline.
Now if I can just start selling my HO empire & get some cash flow to get started,that'd be a big help. Have advertised on the HO forum but no serious takers.
Oh well,all in good time.
Thanks again for the advice.
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