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Where did you find "O" Pink Flamingo's




You might try searching for "good luck minis" for those flamingos.  They make a variety of animals - some closer to 1:48 than others.  The flamingos are just about right, maybe slightly large.  Here's one by our new Berk:




...and as for Waldo, in looking around, the closest I've found (so far) to a 1:48 Waldo is the standing guy w/the stave and backpack from this Woodland Scenics camping set.  He might be "convertible" to a Waldo.  No idea how to do the hat and glasses, though:





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  • campers

PINK YARD FLAMINGOS in O gauge size are available on Amazon. They are additional game pieces for "Trailer Park Wars" game by  Gut Bustin' Games, PO Box 911, Battle Ground,WA 98604, . Made in China and come in a 100 pc pack. They are molded in all pink plastic so you can paint the bill and eyes if you want. Lee Willis used them on his trailer park scene....look up his post.


Paul Goodness

I am looking for a Tardis of the right size


We found this Tardis on ebay several months ago.  I tried looking for the listing again to post a link but didn't see a current one.  It's 2" tall, comes in a set with a 2" black dalek, and shipped from the UK.  Here's a picture of it behind our 7-Eleven.








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  • Tardis711

So, a couple additional thoughts on a layout Waldo (or suitable replacements).  We found this HeroClix Gandalf and (once removed from the base) have been using him to play "Find the Wizard."  That seems to work pretty well, and we all enjoy the unique thrill of hiding a scale wizard in plain sight on the train table.  ... or at least we did until the wizard actually went missing (I suspect floo powder may have been involved ). 



 I also stumbled across this HeroClix mod online.  Someone took a Batman Scarecrow figure and made him into Waldo... might not be a bad option for a layout Waldo for those with a steady hand and some patriotic paint handy:






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  • gandalf
  • waldo
Originally Posted by Jim Policastro:
Originally Posted by Jeff Z:

Where did you find "O" Pink Flamingo's…at one fire station I worked at we repainted them to look like Dalmingo's…the neighborhood loved them…would do the same when I find some again…




Toy store miscellaneous bin. Not sure of the brand, but could be what Friz said.


pink 001



Those look like Homies

Originally Posted by Emil McComas:


They certainly are!!!!


The Schenectady branch of that clan is alive and well in upstate NY. The last time they all got together was to celebrate Rich Melvin's visit to shoot video of them on my layout. (I didn't tell them he was mainly interested in the trains.)


homie 001


But that didn't stop them from staging their own red carpet event when the video was released by OGR (Great layout Adventures #7).


homie 002



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  • homie  001
  • homie  002

I just received the HeroClix Scarecrow Batman figure pictured above. Boy it sure is a THIN body on it, but then the Waldo character is very thin also, so I guess it is a good model to modify into Waldo. The figure itself is 1 1/4 inches tall. The base is 1 3/8 inch in diameter and 1/8 inch thick. The hat will need to be modified into a stocking cap and the pants and shirt needs some "bumps" removed. The shirt top and waist area also will require modification. You are correct about the steady hand for painting...those stripes have to be very fine to look right. But despite all this, it will make a great Waldo!!! Removing him from the base shouldn't be a problem because the shoes are on top of 1/4 inch round dots of plastic that are thick enough to cut him off with a razor saw. I may just leave the base on so I can move him around easily. I bought mine on line but have since found a Pop-Culture Emporium that sells them and other figures so I can save the cost of shipping.


Paul Goodness

Well I have completed the modifications. I used an Exacto knife and jeweler's files to remove all the bumps and modify the hat. Painting the figure was even more difficult for me than I had expected. I mostly used tooth picks to apply the paint. Those stripes are a b..... to do. I couldn't paint enough stripes to match the drawing at the top of this post. And my hands were not steady enough to do a very neat job. 


For the eye glasses I used wafer thin slices of wire insulation super glued to the face. The temple sides I painted on with a tooth pick.


The face is so small that I couldn't really detail it much. But the glasses are quite prominent and a steak of red paint for the lips give you the impression of a face.


Although my Waldo is far from perfect, it will be OK in the DISTANCE even if it is not OK close up.


Although I found several Waldos on the bay, they were all too large for O gauge figures. So I guess mine will work until I find a better one.


Paul Goodness

Originally Posted by Jeff Z:

Where did you find "O" Pink Flamingo's…at one fire station I worked at we repainted them to look like Dalmingo's…the neighborhood loved them…would do the same when I find some again…



You can get them on Amazon - 100 for $11.  They are for a board game that involves getting more flamingos in your yard than anyone else in the game.  About an inch or a bit more high.  I have some on my layout.





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  • Slide22
Where did you get Lucy's trailer?
Originally Posted by Lee Willis:
Originally Posted by Jeff Z:

Where did you find "O" Pink Flamingo's…at one fire station I worked at we repainted them to look like Dalmingo's…the neighborhood loved them…would do the same when I find some again…



You can get them on Amazon - 100 for $11.  They are for a board game that involves getting more flamingos in your yard than anyone else in the game.  About an inch or a bit more high.  I have some on my layout.





So, when all else fails...


You could take the Waldo image at the top of this thread, reduce it to scale, glue it to card stock/board, cut it out...even with a 'spike' below the feet for sticking it in your scenery...and have fun with it!


Not an original idea, of course.  But a few months ago people were showing their American flags on their layout.  There were some waving-in-the-wind ones that were exceptional.  When I asked how they achieved that effect, they simply stated the above technique.  Amazing...simple, effective, affordable(!).  .....My kind of solution!


Of course, Waldo's not three-dimensional with this technique.  But, then, I've only known the chap to as a two-dimensional guy, anyway!




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