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Recently, some of the OCSMR members on the O Gauge side got together to run Christmas trains one week before the big day.

Here are some videos of some of the action.......

ANNNNNND there OFF!!!! It's Rudolph leading by a nose followed by Baker's Dozen in second.  It's Baker's Dozen passing around the turn followed by Rudolph.......

Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!!!


Videos (4)
ANNND there off

Ballasting of track has begun.  Al, Bill, Jim S, Jim T, Sean and Ted have been busy these last couple of days.  Had to stop 'til a new shipment of ballast arrives.

2018-12-29 0012018-12-29 0022018-12-29 0032018-12-29 0042018-12-29 0052018-12-29 0062018-12-29 009

Had a few visitors.

2018-12-29 0102018-12-29 011

Lil Liz was having a great time running trains.  Everything was fine until she noticed a lonely alien hiding on top of the roundhouse.  He was retrieved and she was tryied to find his spaceship.  Looks like ET has to "phone home".

2018-12-29 012



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Last edited by LocoBudd
Mark Boyce posted:

That backdrop looks great John!  You did a great job and it makes the bump out sections of the wall much less noticeable.

Thank you, Mark.  I was hoping that the design would hide the moulding on the wall, and it turned out better than I expected.

Plenty more to come in the upcoming weeks.  So, stay tuned!

F Maguire posted:

Talk about throwing yourself into the job!  Have you considered one of those rolling cantilever elevated platforms?  Ted, the life you save may be your own!

Frank/Mark - We do have one of those platforms sold by Micro Mark.  Top part is visible in the upper left of pic below.  Don't know if anyone's used it.  Problem is access is needed under layout.  Where Ted is, there is now lower access (cabinet is in way).

2016-10-18 003

Mike - Here're a few pix of trains on the curves.

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Last edited by LocoBudd

Not much work activity last weekend.  Most of the crew attended the NJ HiRailers' Trainstock.  Picked up some ideas to incorporate in our layout.

JohnBrandt has been busy and turned a new corner.

2019-01-26 008

The scenery crew has been working hard during the evenings.

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Somebody touched boxes filled with buildings and buildings just popped out all over the place, just waiting for the housing developers to start installing them.

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Oh yeah, finally got back adding some more real estate to incorporate the gas station, car wash and fire house (big foot prints).  Want them up front so guests can see and operate them.

2019-01-26 002

2019-01-26 001



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Mark Boyce posted:

John, That’s a lot of great painting in a short time!!  The clouds look great!  So many people say they have trouble painting convincing clouds, but yours are great!

Thanks, Mark.  Had a lot of practice to get what I accomplished on this mural.

And more clouds are going to be rolling in when I work on it next.  In fact, just this past Tuesday, I made a continuation of it in a corner of the layout.  LocoBudd just posted a photo of it not long ago.

More to come as I get to the last 25 feet of the mural.  Keep an eye out.

John T. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

John, That’s a lot of great painting in a short time!!  The clouds look great!  So many people say they have trouble painting convincing clouds, but yours are great!

Thanks, Mark.  Had a lot of practice to get what I accomplished on this mural.

And more clouds are going to be rolling in when I work on it next.  In fact, just this past Tuesday, I made a continuation of it in a corner of the layout.  LocoBudd just posted a photo of it not long ago.

More to come as I get to the last 25 feet of the mural.  Keep an eye out.

Yes I see Bud posted some more!  25 more feet to go!  I’ll keep an eye out for it

Made a little more progress today.  Ted added some scenery under the elevated section and tweaked other areas.  Made some discoveries in our stash of odds and ends in the form of several pounds of rubber ballast that was used on our old layout.

Continued with the right hand side of the elevated section.  Got the supports done and cut the plywood.  Still have to fasten the plywood down.  Waiting to check some clearances with Ted's Big Boy first.

2019-01-27 0012019-01-27 004

Placed the major buildings to see how they fit.  Area was originally designed to be open to access the track.  Don't like covering track unless necessary.  Like accessibility in case "something" happens.  The Large Scale guys criteria is that no tunnel should be any longer than twice your arm length (of course you might want to consider what might be in the tunnel before you put your arm in ).

2019-01-27 005

Hope JohnBrandt notices the addition of the tunnel portal at the end of his scenery.  Plan is to utilize cars that have been modified (aka cut in half) to enter and leave the tunnel.  Unfortunately the scenery crew (as in many other places) have been very active in covering everything is sight with grass (must have been in the Army).  Now the road crew will have to excavate and lay in the road.



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Last edited by LocoBudd

It's been a bit chilly lately and our heater's been running.  On an excursion to the HO side, noticed that the passenger platform for the Manasquan station has developed some dihedral.  Hope it's not ready to "take off".

2019-02-05 001

Dave making sure the grass stays put.

2019-02-05 002

Tony (front) and Merrill (back, a defector from the HO side) team clean the residue from the track.

2019-02-05 003

JohnBrandt's been busy.  More done on the mural.

2019-02-05 0052019-02-05 0062019-02-05 007

JohnBrandt seems a bit concerned about painting in the dark.  Guess he doesn't want to use candles like the Masters of old.

2019-02-05 004



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Wow, a picture of Tony laboring, sweating as well! Merrill has defected from the dark side to the bright side. Seems those HO are too small for him to play with. So, after further discussions, we accepted his job application as long as he curtails his singing.

I am amazed there is no pictures of me this time. I was there working with Dave spotchecking the scenery and filling in the gaps. 

Last edited by Ted Bertiger
LocoBudd posted:

It's been a bit chilly lately and our heater's been running.  On an excursion to the HO side, noticed that the passenger platform for the Manasquan station has developed some dihedral.  Hope it's not ready to "take off".

2019-02-05 001

Dave making sure the grass stays put.

2019-02-05 002

Tony (front) and Merrill (back, a defector from the HO side) team clean the residue from the track.

2019-02-05 003

JohnBrandt's been busy.  More done on the mural.

2019-02-05 0052019-02-05 0062019-02-05 007

JohnBrandt seems a bit concerned about painting in the dark.  Guess he doesn't want to use candles like the Masters of old.

2019-02-05 004


Great photos, Bud!

JohnBrandt putting the finishing touches on the mural.

2019-02-15 001

Signing his masterpiece.

2019-02-15 005

Vince and his grandson Sabino visited the club.  About a month ago Vince visited with his granddaughter and Sabino's sister, Lil Liz.  Since all tracks had not been completely cleaned after ballasting, was able to run on only track 1.  Chose a conventional powered diesel.  However, Sabino wanted to run with the remote just like his sister did when she had visited.  Got out the ten-fingered crane and put the Legacy NYC steamer on the track.  Gave Sabino the remote and a few instructions, and off he went.  Couldn't have been happier.

2019-02-16 004

Vince said that Sabino will be getting his own train to run along with his 1/43 race cars.

A few overall shots of the mural.

2019-02-15 0062019-02-15 0072019-02-15 0082019-02-15 009

JohnBrandt captured an image of Sasquatch somewhere on the mural.  Don't know how he did it since there were no telltale footprints.  If you can't find him,  will post a pic later.



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Mark Boyce posted:

The mural looks great, John!!  Will something go in front of the gray sections in the city area?

Ted had answered the question.  But to answer your question directly, those gray and brown areas represent where the club will put building flats or add building parts on to.  What they want to make them look like I will leave it to them.

Thank you for watching, Mark.  I appreciate the comments.

Friday nite was pretty active.  Members had to let off a little steam since the layout was down for a month or so for ballasting and scenery work.  All four loops were smoking with trains runnin' of our new members train stopped abruptly at one of the crossovers on track 2.  Then the fun began.  A short had mysteriously developed on track 2.  All the track was inspected for anything that might be shorting the rails.  A magnet mounted on a car was pushed around the track in case something had fallen off and was shorting the rails.  Tried various combinations for powering tracks 2 (we can use either the Z4K or TPCs thru a bypass switch) were tried.  Nada, zilch, nothing was determined to cause the short.  Our past President suggested connecting a sacrificial transformer to "burn" the short out.

Fast forward to late Saturday morning.  Ted arrives with two ancient sacrificial transformers (one is in serious need of a new cord - repairs tried to no avail - use the other one).  Main power disconnected from the terminal board for track 2 and the sacrificial transformer connected (has a lovely low level AC hum).  Placed a caboose on the track, turn power on and low and behold the caboose lights up.  Good to know that our efforts looking for a short in the track the previous night were worthless...but.. the track wiring is definitely good.  Connected the TPCs directly.  Short.  Bypassed the bypass switch (thinking the switch might be bad).  Short.  Z4K connected.  Short.  Tried a few other combinations but the short still persisted.  Finally, disconnected the TIU (we're using Passive TIU mode so only the output is connected to the track).  Bingo, the short disappears.  Few more checks, including reconnecting the TIU and insuring that the wire connecting the TIU is not shorted, confirms that the fixed output 2 of the TIU is shorted.  Ran an engine with no problems (oh, the caboose's light still lights).  Reconnected all the wiring to the terminal and connected variable output 2 to the track.  track is now operational.  Have yet to confirm if we can run an MTH PS2/3 engine with DCS (didn't have one with us).

The NYC Mohawk hauling a consist of Dennis' beer cars was run under Legacy to confirm there were no additional problems on track 2.

2019-02-23 006

One of our members (an HO guy) brought in a lighthouse that his father had some thirty years ago.  McDonald's was replaced by the lighthouse in the corner.

2019-02-23 001

Unfortunately, a sink hole developed under the lighthouse.

2019-02-23 005

The corner piece will turn blue and a few boats will be added for the lighthouse to guide to a safe landing.

Alice thru the scenery.  A smaller tunnel portal has been located and will be used to enter the scenic mountain.

2019-02-23 003

Apparently the heat is drying out the mural on the south wall and has caused some separation and loosening of the mural.  Thoughts are to hide the gap with the York hotel.  Mural will have to be reattached and gap filled.

2019-02-23 004





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Few more checks, including reconnecting the TIU and insuring that the wire connecting the TIU is not shorted, confirms that the fixed output 2 of the TIU is shorted.  

We connected the TIU for track 2 to the variable output and all is fine. The fixed output does not work on output or track 2. 

Today, we assembled the S Gauge track loop on the north side, wired it up with an American Flyer transformer and ran a AF steamer. A little track tweaking was needed but all is good. Did some paint touch up work on various areas of the layout and re-installed the triangle pop up painted in water blue for our lighthouse scene.

Next project is to finally get the roundhouse in place so we can lay the trackwork there. OK Bud?

Pictures are coming as soon as the nutty professor aka Bud posts them here.

Here're pix of the S-gauge track with Ted's AF steamer resurrected by our AF aficionado Doug.  Gives those of us in the club with AF trains a chance to run them.

2019-03-02 0012019-03-02 002

After helping to lay and fasten the AF track, junior member Sean takes a break.

2019-03-02 003

Ah, the roundhouse area,  would help to have some additional track, especially since someone let it slip away.



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Ah, the roundhouse area,  would help to have some additional track, especially since someone let it slip away.

Hey nutty professor,

That track that slipped away is coming back on next Friday. We will more than enough to use so get the roundhouse where it needs to go or we will do it without you( or I will un-glue the wall and put it back on crooked with permanent non-removeable glue. LOL!

The S-Gauge loop saw some activity.  Doug and Jim brought trains to run.  Both experienced minor problems with hook couplers and derailments.  Track needs to be tweaked and the trains resurrected after storage appear to need a bit of maintenance.

Doug keeps a watchful eye on his train's progress.

2019-03-05 0052019-03-05 006

Just runnin' pix.

2019-03-05 0072019-03-05 0082019-03-05 0102019-03-05 0112019-03-05 012

Brought my new steamer to the club.  Experienced problems with track gauge, and incompatibility with both the power and control systems.  Otherwise, runs great.

2019-03-05 0012019-03-05 0022019-03-05 003


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Placed the roundhouse in what was thought the final position and located four radials.  Something didn't seem quite right, especially since most of the radials needed to be curved.  Checked my drawing and got the dimension of the roundhouse from the turntable edge.  The roundhouse was a couple of inches farther away than scaled from the drawing.  Moved the roundhouse closer to the turntable and relocated the radials already positioned.  Surprise, surprise all the radials went straight into the roundhouse doors just like on my drawing (though only one radial is centered in the bay, all others are off to one side).  Felt a great disturbance in the Force.  This was one time when theory and practice converged.

2019-03-17 003

Need to extend the track in four of the six bays in the roundhouse.  Planned on at least two more radials outside the roundhouse.  Looks like we can add more.  Can never have too many storage tracks.  We're a bit short on track.  Fortunately, Indiana Ted recovered the Lost Treasure of the Model Ferroequinologists.  Hopefully he'll locate it in that huge warehouse and deliver it to the club soon so track work can continue.

Even though the turntable radials are not fully fastened down, couldn't resist placing engines for a look see.  Unfortunately, they'll have to be moved for final fastening of the radials.  But, what the heck.  Got a bit carried away and knocked off one of the roundhouse doors and it'll have to be reattached, my bad.

2019-03-17 0052019-03-17 0062019-03-17 0072019-03-17 0082019-03-17 009

The S-Gauge loop got a new look.  American Flyer rubber roadbed was installed.  Looks great.  Track still needs to be fully fastened down.

2019-03-17 0012019-03-17 002

Wanted more power for the S-Gauge loop.  So, the 100 watt AF transformer was replaced with a Lionel KW.  Gonna have to watch the throttle position.  Now have a  max of 20 volts instead of 15 volts.  Fortunately none of the engines have a flux capacitor.

2019-03-17 004



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Bud, The turntable/roundhouse area looks great!  So I take it that even though all but one radial track is off center-line of each door, you won't have a clearance problem; or is that how the door got knocked off.  I'm certainly not critical at all.  I seldom get things lined up as planned!  I'm sure Indiana Ted will come through!!

The S-gauge track does look great as does the power shelf!  Thank you for posting!!

Wow, Bud, you did some nice work on the roundhouse placement and screwed up once. Knocking off the door that I re-glued the day before. The crew was there much earlier than you on Saturday getting the S Gauge track in place and soldering jumper wires to 2 areas of the track. The crew left as we can't wait around for the professor to show at the crack of noon plus an hour! Lol!

Once I get the track screwed in place, I"ll get Joe to make the bracket we need there. Roundhouse looks great with engines in their stalls.

As for the lost track, I recovered it all. Guess you want to screw up some more track?

Bill is planting the trees with the hopes that money will grow off of them! A wise investment Bill? Lol! Excellent job, Bill.

Bill Bresnan once was a prominent person on Wall Street writing books on financials, etc. and still has a weekly AM radio talk show. His full time job now is being our master in scenery work unlike Bud who is our master in layout planning and execution in trackwork!

Ted Bertiger posted:

Bill is planting the trees with the hopes that money will grow off of them! A wise investment Bill? Lol! Excellent job, Bill.

Bill Bresnan once was a prominent person on Wall Street writing books on financials, etc. and still has a weekly AM radio talk show. His full time job now is being our master in scenery work unlike Bud who is our master in layout planning and execution in trackwork!

Very interesting, Ted. Thanks for sharing that. It's another example of boys like to play with trains no matter what they did in their other life.

Added three more radials to the turntable area.  Started to locate some of the accessories.  Will probably lengthen the radial for the engine salvage accessory.  Need to do some scavenging to see what other accessories we have that will fit in the area.  Couldn't resist adding more locos.  Got a full roundhouse now.

2019-03-23 0082019-03-23 009

2019-03-23 0032019-03-23 0042019-03-23 0052019-03-23 0062019-03-23 007

Some Friday nite runnin' with my Pennsy S2 and Joe's Pennsy M1a.

2019-03-22 0012019-03-22 002



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Bill added more shrubbery to the other side of the roundhouse and darkened up the grass area with some black material so the roundhouse will look dirty! Also, added more shrubbery to one side of the elevated wall. Just hope my Big Boy does not sweep it all away on the curve!

More work to continue after this weekend's train show we are doing at the Brick Elks Lodge.

Ted - Wouldn't worry about the Big Boy clearing the scenery.  If it doesn't, we can always use the firewood and scrap metal in the junk yard.

Added two short radials to the roundhouse area.  Both are incidental.  One is used for the engine salvage accessory and the other is a catchall for short cars, engines, etc.  This completes installation of the radials.  Ballasting in front of the roundhouse will have to wait until the tracks in the roundhouse are lengthened.

2019-03-30 0022019-03-30 0032019-03-30 004

We'll have to do some maintenance on the turntable bridge.  It's not sitting level and one end doesn't line up vertically with the tracks.  Moving wasn't kind to it and will have to do some straightening of items that got bent.  Haven't checked the drive motor and will have to get a compression spring to hold it against the drive wheel.



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The turntable bridge needs the bogies at each end adjusted.  Don't know how the "upgrade kit" bogies are attached or if they can be adjusted.  The "old" bogies were attached with a spring leaf and could be bent to make contact.  Contact of the bogies is needed 'cause that supplies electrical power to the bridge track.

A  trip to Lowes will solve the spring issue.


Was visited by Andy who's a member of the New York Society of Model Engineers.  Spent a goodly amount of time talking layouts and giving a cook's tour.  Got only one little thing done.

Bill has been busy with the scenery.

2019-04-06 0022019-04-06 005

Floodlights appeared in the roundhouse area.  Think we'll have enough illumination?

2019-04-06 0012019-04-06 004

Oh, that little thing done today.  Had cut a narrow strip on the curved portion of the added elevated section to allow for car overhang clearance on the ramp curve.  Planned to cover it with acoustic tile.  Was not needed so just added a shim to raise the end and middle of the strip to the level of the ramp.  Doesn't need tile for scenery.

2019-04-06 003



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Wow....I just discovered this thread and spent the last few hours reading the entire saga; fantastic!

The background mural is just awesome; your group was/is fortunate to have had such a great "artist in residence".

Question: you used Gargraves for the O gauge track; why did you not go with that same (terrific) brand for the S gauge loop? It can't be because of "brand loyalty", as I see you're now using a Lionel transformer... 

In any case, nice work and thank you for sharing this wonderful story.

Mark in (wet) Oregon

Strummer posted:

Wow....I just discovered this thread and spent the last few hours reading the entire saga; fantastic!

The background mural is just awesome; your group was/is fortunate to have had such a great "artist in residence".

Thank you, Strummer.  Not only am I an artist in residence, but I am also a club member.  It took quite a few man hours to work on the 80 foot long mural.  All that while I still work for a living for Wegmans.  It acted as a way of relaxing after a long week's work.  One of these days I'll use what I've learned to make a mural for MY layout.

Strummer - The reason we didn't use Gargraves track for the S-gauge is one of economics.  We already had American Flyer track.  The AF roadbed was gotten at a show very, very cheap; however it did need a lot of cleaning up.  We're using the Lionel KW transformer because the earlier AF 8B 100 watt transformer (can be seen in an earlier page)  didn't seem to hack it power wise.  We did buy one box of O-gauge Gargraves track at a good price.  The rest of the O-gauge track is either recycled from our old layout or from layouts the members were able to disassemble.  The Ross (and in one case Curtis) switches are recycled from our old layout.  Even the layout frame work is recycled from those disassembled layouts except for the upper level and ramps.  Those are made from purchased plywood.

Mark - Yup, may have to wear sun glasses when we power up those floodlights.  Gonna need a bigger transformer.


The KW transformer is going to be replaced with a donated Lionel RW 110 watt transformer that needs to be cleaned. 

As for the O gauge layout which encompasses about 30 club members, all our track was from the old layout and from layouts that we disassembled. Unlike our HO side of the club which accounts for about 8 club members, they bought about $2,000 worth of code 100 Atlas track. A slight disproportiate amount in club members. We really could use some more HO members who are interested in building and modeling the NY, LB railroad from the 1950's.

Yes, our scenery pro has been hard at work planting trees and shrubs if there is open space! 

Ted was busy framing and mounting several very nice pix taken by one of our ex-members.  Sorry, no pix, will have to rectify (wanted to get outta there with the rapid onset of a cold).  Plus, Ted lengthened the tracks in the roundhouse.  Area is now ready for final scenery (wiring will come later).  Anxious to the fire up the floodlights, especially for our Open House on May 4th and 5th.

Was busy adding the tile surface to the added elevated area in the northwest corner.  Didn't have much tile left but was able to "jig saw" what pieces we had.  Have to add a few more pieces, glue down and paint.  Final positioning of houses in that area is almost complete.

2019-04-14 001

Ted got a new toy at York, a C&O Berk.  He just had to try it out.  Sweet engine.  Great sounds.

2019-04-14 0042019-04-14 005



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Some pix from Tuesday's runnin'.

Bill dismounting from the layout after adding scenery to the background.  Watch out for those hoppers.

2019-04-23 001

Eric plaaacccciiinnngg his American Flyer UP passenger train headed by AA PAs on the S-Gauge loop.

2019-04-23 0032019-04-23 007

My Pennsy K4.

2019-04-23 0022019-04-23 008

Trial fitting of EZ-Streets for the trolley line on the northwest elevation.

2019-04-23 009




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Bill was trying for a double dismount in preparation for the senior olympics. Give Bill some open real estate and he will populate with trees, scenery and investment properties!

Eric was doing a soft landing there. Think those AF trains are a little smaller than the Jet Blue planes he lands on a regular basis. After running his passenger set, the track work held up nicely so we can proceed and permanently lay that track in place.

Bud still busy designing his operating park there adding a trolley line. Next up behind there will be our memorial park dedicating to members who are longer with us.

Ted, so you are telling me that both Bill and Eric are in traction in the local hospital right now????     And I don't mean street car type traction either!  

Kidding aside, all the work you gents are doing looks great!  I wish it wasn't so far away or I would come to see it all in person!  Many thanks to all for the photographs!  It's almost like being there!!!! 

Today the "glue crew", being myself and Jim cut 3 triangles of foam and glued them together on the corner pop up to raise the height of our upcoming memorial park for Captain Mike's Freehold Borough police dept., Denny's lawnmowers, Jonesey's used cars, Sven's train shop, need to figure what to do for Ernie and Alvin and a church with a hearst since we used to be located in the basement there.

Also glued down the ceiling tiles for Bud's upcoming action accessory area so we can paint the tiles, place the buildings, incorporate some EZ streets there with a trolley and wire up the action buildings. 

Not too much buildin'.  Mostly neatinin up for our Open House this weekend.

Some boat traffic being planned to go with the light house.

2019-04-27 002

Ted's new/old N&W J.

2019-04-30 001

Dave's CNJ RS3.

2019-04-30 002

Pair of SD45s that Tom repainted in PC livery.

2019-04-30 003

Stop by and visit us at our Open House this weekend May 4th and 5th from noon 'til    4 pm.  Check our website for directions.

See ya then.



Images (4)
  • 2019-04-27 002
  • 2019-04-30 001
  • 2019-04-30 002
  • 2019-04-30 003

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