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I have designed and produced a scale-sized B&O CPL dwarf signal, built from the plans of the General Railway Signal Type VA dwarf.  You can find the details on my blog here:


It's Itsy-Bitsy


I am going to make these available commercially, initially as a static detail part and later (possibly much later) as a kit/assembled with the lighting components.  The detail part can accept lamps, but you will have to supply them.  I'm looking for sources of ultra miniature lamps now.


Before I invest significant money in designing and manufacturing a lighting board for this signal, I'd like to gauge the interest level.  Here's your chance to get something done to strict 1/4 inch scale. The static signal will be about $5-6 unpainted.  I cannot estimate the cost of an illuminated signal until I get estimates for the lighting board.



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They are really nice looking! I'dbe interested in getting some.  Right of Way sometime back offered them as lit signals. They also made a high- mounted CPL but without target lights.


The B&O CPL dwarfs I'm most familiar with in New York Terminal Division applications

had only two indications - red and yellow, no top target lights. I need to look up my rule book to see how green or lunar white and targets were used in dwarfs.


The other light locations were blanked off with metal discs on the drawrfs I've seen. They were restrictive signals, sometimes used at cross-overs where traffic could be routed against the normal flow. 





I built the eight-light variation because that configuration has almost universal applicability.  You can shave off the unneeded visors and plug the holes with styrene.  The openings are just over 0.0595 (1.5mm).  You can see from the prototype photo on the blog that eight-light versions did exist as well as additional markers.  Please post your rulebook findings.




I just placed an order with Mouser for a lot of SMD LEDs; 0603 and 0402.  The 0603 look to be a tad too large, the 0402 should fit well, I am even trying some sub-0402 size.  At these sizes a machine-built board is inevitable, which means a larger investment to get a run made up.



TNT53, You seem to have done good work with the signals.


Is there any love for PRR Yellow as well as the regular B&O CPL?


I did receive your email and must shelve it for now, the Operations Financial Officer (Wife) has wanted me to back off a tad until next month.


Ed your signals PDF is well done. Is there any way I can find or recover the old 5 issue series of Interchanges and Tower Controlled track signaling that MR did decades ago?


And finally but not last, does EVERY yard track NEED a dwarf?

No problem Lee.  I intend to always have a few these around for when you need them. Having said that, for all of the other people reading this, please don't hold off ordering if you want some.  A good response will induce me to invest and build other models.


I'm open to other signals, PRR included.  I started with B&O because I could use the product if nothing else.  If there is enough interest I can do PRR.  Other projects under consideration are a 1930's crossing flasher (to strict scale, no oversize lights or protruding LEDs), B&O cantilever signal bridge, and PRR catenary poles.



I recall that series too. Must look it up. I still have a lot of stuff packed in boxes since moving recently.


A short answer to that question is no. Not every track in a yard requried a dwarf signal. Only those tracks in a yard upon which two way trafffic could be expected.


These would include leads into engine terminals and shops, run-around or passing tracks subject to through traffic, also tracks that connect one part of a yard with another. This could include the track joining an east yard with a west yard, or a coach yard with a terminal.


There is a simple B&O/PRR junction I know about, for which I'll draw and post a diagram showing where the signals were placed on it and how it worked.


All in good time,

Ed Bommer


Here is a diagram for B&O/SIRT at Linden Junction in New Jersey. This was the interchange point with the Pennsylvania Railroad that included B&O/SIRT trackage rights into PRR's Linden Yard.


This was drawn from a B&O track diagram dated Octoebr 1958. The signals which I put in were no longer there by that time, having been removed from service shortly after WW II with a significant down-turn of traffic. 


This diagram is a "Roman Map" having SOUTH at the top with east to the left and west  to the right.  It is of course stylized and foreshortened to get things to fit. I did add the mile markers which are in yet another B&O Form that lists every siding, its car capacity and customer name.


One high B&O CPL is marked. All other signals were dwarfs. During the War years, this was a very busy stretch of B&O/SIRT railroad, with war materiel, troop, hospital and POW trains. So this 5.5 mile line was well signaled for handling two-way taffic on what was essentially a single track line with only two passing sidings.





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