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UPDATE:  WE HAVE 250 SUPPORTING MEMBERS AS OF TODAY 9-30-20!  Thanks and congrats go to those of you that have decided to become a Supporting Member.  To put this in perspective, this represents about 1% of the total membership.  OR, this means 99% of the forumites are not members of this group.   We were hoping to reach a membership of 10% after 60 days and we are now 30 days from the initial announcement.  PLEASE consider becoming a Supporting member (details below) and help us reach our first goal.  Thanks so much for your consideration!


Over the past couple of years, we have received quite a few emails from members interested in finding ways to help support the OGR forum similar to what our Forum Sponsors do currently. Just recently there have been several threads where many of you have expressed the appreciation you have for the forum and how much it has added to your enjoyment of the hobby. You have posted kind thoughts and words that mean very much to me and the OGR team!

As many of you know, the forum is expensive and time consuming to operate and so about a half dozen years ago, we started aggressively offering opportunities for forum sponsorships to businesses directly involved in providing product and services to our readers and members. This is a win- win situation because all precipitants benefit. Our sponsors/advertisers benefit from being able to do direct and live marketing to the largest single group in this segment of the hobby and you as a member benefit because the advertising income helps keep the forum free. AND everyone benefits from you as active posting members offering the vast knowledge you have to make the forum the best place to come to discuss and learn about our hobby. All sides play an important role to make the forum “happen”!

It is no secret that the changing business climate in this hobby is forcing all of us to adjust the way we do business and frankly the way we live day to day. OGR must find ways to supplement our business model and try to expand what we have to offer our supporters, readers, and advertisers. Unlike other social media sites, we do not pop up ads or track your internet wanderings in order to put the “in your face” ads that are so common online. We only accept advertising that we believe you want because it is hobby related and offers something to enhance your enjoyment of the hobby.

With all of the above in mind, we have decided to offer an opportunity for you to participate in a new level of membership called the “OGR Forum Supporting Member”.  You can subscribe to this special group by CLICKING HERE. Once you have subscribed, you will see theSupporting Member Tagtag on your name, boldly showing indicating that you are a “Supporting Member”.

You will also be able to download a special, printable certificate signed by yours truly and dated which can be proudly framed and displayed. In addition, Supporting Members will have FREE access to one section of the OGR Video Digital Library with videos provided by OGR with updates at regular intervals. All of this is just $12.00 per year, which will go a long way toward helping to keep your forum the best place to go for discussion, help, information, and knowledge in the hobby.

We sincerely hope that you will take advantage of this new membership status and receive even greater value, distinction, and satisfaction of being an OGR Forum Supporting Member. Click here to get started!

Thanks so much for your support!


Images (1)
  • Supporting Member Tag
Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I'm in! This is a great idea.

Since I'm not tech saving, I will become a supporting member by tomorrow when I can get someone to help me complete the application and pay the $12 on-line.


Hi Arnold...

It is an easy process, just click on the link provided and go from there.  It is just like making a purchase in our webstore.

Thanks for your support!

Hello Alan,

For those of us who were Digital Subscribers prior to the new "Supporting Member" category, weren't we in effect supporters of the Forum?  As Digital Subscribers we are given access to the entire library.

Thus if I sign up as a Supporting Member wouldn't that in effect be considered as signing up twice without any additional benefits?

Just trying to understand the offering better. 


Last edited by Allegheny
@Allegheny posted:

Hello Alan,

For those of us who were Digital Subscribers prior to the new "Supporting Member" category, weren't we in effect supporters of the Forum?  As Digital Subscribers we are given access to the entire library.

Thus if I sign up as a Supporting Member wouldn't that in effect be considered as signing up twice without any additional benefits?

Just trying to understand the offering better. 


I would think that Digital Subscriber should infer Supporting Member... however, I am now seeing many users with both brandings... I guess that isn't a problem (more $$$ for OGR), but it is confusing. This new setup seems to infer that Digital Subscribers don't benefit the forum. For me, supporting the forum as the foremost reason I became a Digital Subscriber (the magazine and video library are also great benefits).

@Allegheny posted:

Hello Alan,

For those of us who were Digital Subscribers prior to the new "Supporting Member" category, weren't we in effect supporters of the Forum?  As Digital Subscribers we are given access to the entire library.

Thus if I sign up as a Supporting Member wouldn't that in effect be considered as signing up twice without any additional benefits?

Just trying to understand the offering better. 


The digital subscription nor the print subscription supports the forum financially.  As I explained above, the forum sponsorships were created to help keep the forum going and are a benefit to all participants.  A long time ago there was a premium membership here on the forum that included some perks but that was years ago.  The creation of the supporting members opportunity is meant to allow those members to receive access to their own video library but not the same access as a digital subscriber.  Also, there are some cases in which one wants to support the forum but doesn't want to become a subscriber (greater than 80% of the membership does not subscribe to the magazine!).  In addition, they get the special tag that lets other members know that their contribution helps keep the forum free plus they get a special certificate that can be displayed which many members will do in their trainrooms, etc. 

I would hope that you would see the benefit of signing up but that is up to you as this is not a requirement as a forum member nor does it imply that because you are a current magazine subscriber that this is anything more than offering what a lot of members suggested over the past few years.   Many members realize that this forum is valuable to them and that their supporting membership will help keep the forum the way they like it free from increased and hobby unrelated advertising. 

Thanks for your current support through your subscriptions!

@bmoran4 posted:

I would think that Digital Subscriber should infer Supporting Member... however, I am now seeing many users with both brandings... I guess that isn't a problem (more $$$ for OGR), but it is confusing. This new setup seems to infer that Digital Subscribers don't benefit the forum. For me, supporting the forum as the foremost reason I became a Digital Subscriber (the magazine and video library are also great benefits).

See my response above as this is a similar question/statement.  One thing, I do understand that most of you may not realize how many resources OGR uses to keep the forum going and for free.  With everything on social media that seems free, there is a resistance to paying for forums and blogs.  But please realize that on other social media platforms and especially the most well known ones, advertising takes place in many forms that may or may not have anything to do with your interests or the hobby.  Just watch videos online and see that increasingly they have commercials interrupting the video.  We are trying to not have to do that here and only accept advertising from hobby related businesses.  The kind in which you are likely interested. 

We welcome your support through subscriptions and now if you so chose, through a supporting membership.


@RickO posted:

"Supporting Member"/ "Digital Subscriber"....what? love for the paper magazine subscriber?....

Uhmm...why did I know that this would come up....  Rick, this is designed for anybody that wants to join and it does not matter if you are a digital or print subscriber.  As a print subscriber, this would add access to a category in the video digital library that you would normally have to pay for EACH video.  We value ALL of our subscribers but it is no secret that it costs less to produce the digital magazine and thus we are able to offer more digitally.

Thanks for your support!

As a magazine subscriber and a digital subscriber, I couldn't sign up fast enough. This forum is tops in people helping others and also in gaining knowledge for things we want to do, can't do and learning whom to send it to. No Where on the internet will you gain FRIENDS like here. I know one of the popular sites has you getting lots of FRIENDS but think of this please:

1. Here you can just remain quiet for free and observe

2. Here you can ask for help

3. here you can offer help

4. Here you find out you have friends that will actually communicate with you and help you or support you. They aren't in a list that you have to confirm then never hear from them.

5. Here your friends are really friends wanting to listen, Offer support or help and sometimes physically offer to come help out. You will not find that any where else and all for free.

I get the magazine and love it, I also get the digital and love it as it lets me do lots of things plus search previous issues of the magazine. It also has the same articles with MORE content.

Asking for $12.00 a year which is $1 a month is nothing. I don't drink coffee but I guzzle 7Up. I think I can do without 6 two liter bottles a year.

And as a final note:

Thank you all for being friends regardless of how stupid or dumb or ignorant (and sometimes but I hope few, Arrogant) I am.

C. Curtis Homan Sr


What's Up? Seven of course! 7Up best drink to have with trains! Notch them up to 8 and run down the rails.


It must be Alan, my certificate is 10302.

My certificate number is 10305.  Was thinking it would have been higher.  


***Edited to Add***

Just saw that my certificate number is the same as the OGR WEB STORE Order Number.  Take that to mean certificate number is not really related to the number of Supporting Members.  Just a sequential number assigned to the web store order used to setup the certificate download.

Last edited by GregM
@Mark Boyce posted:

Great idea!!  I am happy to contribute.  Such a great product!  Oh yes, I printed my certificate as well.  10307

Reminds me of all the various numbers I have on my architectural licenses across the western US.  10311 for me! 

Now that reminds me of the 12 hours of continuing education I need by October 31 to keep them all. 

This was a no-brainer for me.

I am glad I follow a bunch of people. For some reason when Alan originally posted this on the 31st, it was no where to be found(possibly I accidentally deleted it being confused it was another topic I was following that Alan started/commented on). Regardless of all that I am here to say, "Yes, count me in on that" The numbers are our order numbers, don't know if that is our certificate number. My order number is 10315, not bad.

I had seen Don comment on the other topic Arnold started and since I was at work I was wondering what he was talking about. Coming home I didn't get a chance to get a look as my eyelids covered my eyes for some strange reason. Since I had to come up here and order some other stuff(I still have to order work shoes, ugh), I popped my head in here to read a little better.

So, now this will be something else. I will have to get a picture frame for this so it doesn't get lost somewhere, can't have that happen. I am happy to join the ranks, I just thought the number would be higher. Is the clicker counter broken?

As long as it fits and doesn't float. My mom picked out a frame a great number of years ago. When the pictures came back, she never put any in the frame. She told one of her friends jokingly about the picture(was a grad stock picture) that it was her other son Joe. That became a running joke. I don't know what we did with "Joe". I don't remember if someone needed a frame and mom gave it away, or if he is still floating somewhere, lol.

@Rich Melvin posted:

Just so you understand the certificate numbers, they do NOT indicate the total number of Supporting Members. The certificate number is generated by our web server at the time you download your certificate. They are also not necessarily sequential. It’s just a number that is exclusively yours.

Rich, I am glad you put out the sign that says, "Guys, over here." as I would have been completely lost. Downloaded it, just have print it. Thanks Rich.

So, I (the most tech-non-savy person I know), just went on my computer (not my smartphone, which I am pretty good at thanks to my prolific Forum involvement) and I completed the application, paid the $12 online and am now officially a Supporting Member (Hooray), but for the life of me, I don't see on the computer screen staring at me how to access the Certificate!

I could have sworn I previously read here somewhere how to download the Certificate, but now can't find that info.


LOL, Arnold

In a nutshell, once you become a Supporting Member, how do you download the Certificate?


‘You should have received an email acknowledging your payment/membership. In that note is a link to get the certificate. One note... it will take you to the store and it will look like you are purchasing the certificate, but the cost is $0.00. You will be asked to input all your info like you did when you paid the $12, but there is no charge. Hope this helps.

@Apples55 posted:


‘You should have received an email acknowledging your payment/membership. In that note is a link to get the certificate. One note... it will take you to the store and it will look like you are purchasing the certificate, but the cost is $0.00. You will be asked to input all your info like you did when you paid the $12, but there is no charge. Hope this helps.


Thank you Paul. I just officially joined late this evening, so I never got that email, maybe because I applied so late in the evening. 


@Apples55 posted:

The email came from FeePod Premium Memberships.

Aha! The email went into my spam!

Now I have the certificate and my number is, drum roll please (LOL): 10318.

I could not have gotten it without your help, Paul.

I think it is good that we spelled out the steps in the process of getting the certificate for other non-tech savvy Forum members like me.  Arnold 

I just want to take this opportunity to personally thank all who have elected to become Supporting Members of this forum and, by extension, supporters of OGR magazine. Your loyalty to our organization--truly more of a family--is much appreciated. We are all living in especially difficult times at present, but I like to think that involvement in this great and diverse hobby has helped a good many of us "ride out the storm" and maintain a sense of emotional and mental stability in what most certainly are abnormal times. Wishing you all a safe and healthy future. Thanks again for your much appreciated support.

Alan: Done,  but how do I get the Digital Subscriber tag also I missed out when you run the post? Like John stated a buck a month for this great forum how can you go wrong. I have saved more than that just with what I have learned here.


Just got my certificate and my number is 10321.


Thank You 

OGR Staff for this great idea.

Last edited by RJT
@RJT posted:

Alan: Done,  but how do I get the Digital Subscriber tag also I missed out when you run the post? Like John stated a buck a month for this great forum how can you go wrong. I have saved more than that just with what I have learned here.


Just got my certificate and my number is 10321.


Thank You 

OGR Staff for this great idea.

The digital subscriber tag instructions are still up in the featured topics.  I will take care of this for you!


Uhmm...why did I know that this would come up.... 

Another question that would fall into that "why did I know this would come up" category:

Can I pay for a supporting membership via a check thru the mail?

Yeah, I know. Before you tie me to the railroad tracks, I am decidedly an "old school" fellow when it comes to running trains... and much else in life too!

Another question that would fall into that "why did I know this would come up" category:

Can I pay for a supporting membership via a check thru the mail?

Yeah, I know. Before you tie me to the railroad tracks, I am decidedly an "old school" fellow when it comes to running trains... and much else in life too!

Absolutely!!  Send it in and we will get back to you as soon as the check arrives!



Two more more questions: Make the check to "OGR Publishing, Inc."? And best mailing address: OGR Publishing, Inc., 1310 Eastside Centre Court 6111, Mountain Home, AR  72653?

I don't really need a certificate, but having the "Supporting Member" moniker behind my name would suffice.

You could even make a new category for me that reads Supporting 027 Member   .

Okay, I'll quit while I'm ahead... This ain't the drive-thru... "Yeah, I'll have that membership with no mustard but with extra onions." 


Two more more questions: Make the check to "OGR Publishing, Inc."? And best mailing address: OGR Publishing, Inc., 1310 Eastside Centre Court 6111, Mountain Home, AR  72653?

I don't really need a certificate, but having the "Supporting Member" moniker behind my name would suffice.

You could even make a new category for me that reads Supporting 027 Member   .

Okay, I'll quit while I'm ahead... This ain't the drive-thru... "Yeah, I'll have that membership with no mustard but with extra onions." 

Yes, the check should be made out just like you say above and the address is correct!  Thanks!

@MartyE posted:

I don't know about framing, but it made my avatar look better...  LOL!

Looks good Marty. No amount of help for me on my end. I look how I look. Somebody else would have to be in the photo to make me look better but then it would get taken down because it would be me.

I tell you all, last night was busy for me and I had a blast. I was doing a bunch last night helping my niece for a bit(she stopped in), then popping up here trying to read a few things as well as ordering some train related stuff as most of us do or should be doing. Before I finally got tired last night I realized it was already 11:30, lol. I had planned to nod off somewhere past 10:30 which has become the usual since I've been getting up before 4.

With all that going on it was probably one of the best nights I have had in a while(especially with everything going on recently, not the pandemic I mean). I'm now following Arnold because I always see other people I follow commenting on his posts and I came to realize Arnold has great topics.

See, just by looking at a few things over the course of a week or weeks, you follow someone new. One thing I'm having trouble doing is keeping up on topics. I think I have about four things that I haven't gotten back to besides work right now. Catch you all back at lunch(unless some other topic steals me away). 😁


The following text confused me a bit at first with the "OR" as I am already a digital subscriber but after reading some of the above posts, the fog cleared out of the brain and I realized that one can be both.

Help support this forum with an OGR Forum Supporting Membership.
You will be able to enter one of the new OGR VIDEO FORUMS!
A one-year OGR Forum Supporting Membership is only $12 per year, so sign up now!




Access the ALL the OGR VIDEO FORUMS AND  over 300 back issues of OGR


@Apples55 posted:


‘You should have received an email acknowledging your payment/membership. In that note is a link to get the certificate. One note... it will take you to the store and it will look like you are purchasing the certificate, but the cost is $0.00. You will be asked to input all your info like you did when you paid the $12, but there is no charge. Hope this helps.

Certificate access does not work. I opened my email, clicked on OGR link, took me to OGR Forum Supporting Membership, clicked on sign up now, same page pops up that I just clicked on to sign up. Am I missing the proper link hookup on my email? Guess I'm non-certifiable. Been called worst.

Guys, without us knowing, Crowdstack changed the receipt today!  Rich is working on fixing this so hang on, you will all be able to get your certificate.  For those of you that got the changed receipt without the link here is where you go for the certificate:

Thanks for your support and understanding!

Guys, without us knowing, Crowdstack changed the receipt today!  Rich is working on fixing this so hang on, you will all be able to get your certificate.  For those of you that got the changed receipt without the link here is where you go for the certificate:

Thanks for your support and understanding!

It worked - 10329. Thank you.

Guys, without us knowing, Crowdstack changed the receipt today!  Rich is working on fixing this so hang on, you will all be able to get your certificate.  For those of you that got the changed receipt without the link here is where you go for the certificate:

Thanks for your support and understanding!

Your a GOOD man  Alan.  Thank you thank you for your quick response.

Link copied to your clipboard.