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Really nice.....stucco effect is great, and different, as is the building.  There are a lot of kits for gas stations, and I have built a couple, and scratchbuilt at least one, but this isn't styled like any kits I have seen (it's scratchbuilt).  There are a lot of photos of old gas stations on the net, as part of the petroliana hobby, but people on here also say they like them, as do I.

Originally Posted by Vulcan:



I really like the asphalt, how'd you do it?

Actually it's fairly easy- it's just sheet cork glued directly to the diorama base and painted medium gray (acrylic paint), then drybrushed with various other shades of gray, then given a generous "black wash" (very diluted black paint). Potholes are created by digging at the cork with your fingernail or an old screwdriver. Create the potholes prior to painting. Cracks are drawn directly onto the painted cork using a felt-tip pen...

Originally Posted by Leon C.:
Originally Posted by Vulcan:



I really like the asphalt, how'd you do it?

Actually it's fairly easy- it's just sheet cork glued directly to the diorama base and painted medium gray (acrylic paint), then drybrushed with various other shades of gray, then given a generous "black wash" (very diluted black paint). Potholes are created by digging at the cork with your fingernail or an old screwdriver. Create the potholes prior to painting. Cracks are drawn directly onto the painted cork using a felt-tip pen...

Thanks, Leon. I would have never guessed cork.

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