Hi All,
Attached are a few pics of my recently completed project...
Comment and critique are welcome.
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Replies sorted oldest to newest
Outstanding. A kit or scratch built? Either way the level of detail is fantastic.
CEO, Not-So-Great-Eastern R.R.
Very nice, Thank you for posting.
Mike CT
My critique: WOW!
More coming????
D.I.Y. article(s)??
Very, very nice, indeed. I've got a handful of places on my layout that could use a structure of this type/size/genre.
Very Nice.
Beautiful job.
That is unbelievable ! The weathering is so realistic. Just as impressive is the ground around the garage. I think given the right perspective you would be hard pressed to know if it was real or a model.
Thanks for sharing it.
Really nice.....stucco effect is great, and different, as is the building. There are a lot of kits for gas stations, and I have built a couple, and scratchbuilt at least one, but this isn't styled like any kits I have seen (it's scratchbuilt). There are a lot of photos of old gas stations on the net, as part of the petroliana hobby, but people on here also say they like them, as do I.
Leon, absolutely superb work on this creation. The detail is very inspiring in every way!
Stunning realism...exceptional scratch building. Nice photos too.
love it! well done!!! Tom
Excellent. You captured the essence of an old time garage.
I really like the asphalt, how'd you do it?
Awesome.....right down to the smallest of details. I'm sure you enjoyed the project very much. Very few layout projects are every truly finished. There is always something you think you will redo someday.
Not in this case. You nailed it. Case closed.
Very Nice, Great attention to detail...
Very nice. Really well done.
Thanks to everyone for the comments!
Great craftsmanship.
That is way cool...the details are right on. My critique...it's not on my layout....
I agree with Vulcan that the asphalt pavement is just great. This is an absolute first class model.
Alan Graziano
I really like the asphalt, how'd you do it?
Actually it's fairly easy- it's just sheet cork glued directly to the diorama base and painted medium gray (acrylic paint), then drybrushed with various other shades of gray, then given a generous "black wash" (very diluted black paint). Potholes are created by digging at the cork with your fingernail or an old screwdriver. Create the potholes prior to painting. Cracks are drawn directly onto the painted cork using a felt-tip pen...
Nice building and nice photography!
Only needs a car to fill. Great detail
I really like the asphalt, how'd you do it?
Actually it's fairly easy- it's just sheet cork glued directly to the diorama base and painted medium gray (acrylic paint), then drybrushed with various other shades of gray, then given a generous "black wash" (very diluted black paint). Potholes are created by digging at the cork with your fingernail or an old screwdriver. Create the potholes prior to painting. Cracks are drawn directly onto the painted cork using a felt-tip pen...
Thanks, Leon. I would have never guessed cork.
Excellent weathering and detailing!
You are quite an accomplished artist! I can almost smell the old filling station smells, it's
so realistic!
Job well done, Leon.
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