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A consistent gripe (or request) is the need for modern rolling stock in S, I'm talking ready to run, pull from the box, welcome to post 1970.  That got me to thinking, we do a good job of asking for specific locamotive power (SD40-2 anyone??) but not as detailed are the requests for modern cars to pull behind.  What would your top 3 car requests be? I would think they would have to be;

  • likely to be found in most mixed consists, not something that would be a rarity to see
  • something that lends itself well to various road names
  • can navigate the relatively undiverse cure radius selection in the S gauge world


My knowledge of the rolling stock world is limited so I am throwing this question out to the peanut gallery (as it were).  The idea is lets identify what could be made, put in a box and sell well.  

Pictures please...


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Well, there are these guys already available from SSA:

ssa SCAN1054ssa SCAN1055ssa SCAN1056ssa SCAN1057ssa SCAN1058

Plus, AM's Railbox cars in various flavors:

AM Railbox

The AM PS2's are also of the era:

KGB 102614 002

And AM's tank cars:

KGB 072914 004

If MTH ever get the old SHS EV caboose going, there would be another one:

KGB 102614 007

Now, I don't deny the tooling could be dusted off and new road names offered for all of the above, but there are ubiquitous cars available to tote behind an SD40-2.

Plus, I'm sure there's others that should be made.





Images (9)
  • ssa SCAN1054
  • ssa SCAN1055
  • ssa SCAN1056
  • ssa SCAN1057
  • ssa SCAN1058
  • AM Railbox
  • KGB 102614 002
  • KGB 072914 004
  • KGB 102614 007

What about behind an ES44? 

And I also have many of the cars pictured above. But I would think that many of the real ones are getting a little long in the tooth out there on the rails. 

PS...the ACF hopper by des plains is one I wish they would re run with some other road names, I am tired of having to hunt for kits that are 20 years old (or more) to find some Midwest road names.  


NotInWI posted:

What about behind an ES44? 

And I also have many of the cars pictured above. But I would think that many of the real ones are getting a little long in the tooth out there on the rails. 

PS...the ACF hopper by des plains is one I wish they would re run with some other road names, I am tired of having to hunt for kits that are 20 years old (or more) to find some Midwest road names.  


Ah.  Now you're moving the goal posts. 

Way back when in another thread I mentioned some of these cars are getting long in the tooth for contemporary motive power, but they are the only option in S at present.  I'm certainly not going to run a bunch of 40' steel or wood side boxcars and billboard reefers behind my SD70's and ES44...

I agree, I'd like to see more road names for the ACF hoppers (CB&Q for one...,) as well as the other cars already produced.


Although the topic is about modern rolling stock, there has been a recent announcement for a modern switcher, the SW1500 will be produced as an etched brass kit from Gilmaur later this year. The kit is designed to use the stanton drive sold by Jim King of Smoky Mountain Model Works. Jim will have AAR A and flexicoil sideframes available for these trucks.


My top three requests are similar to those mentioned before.

  1. double-stack container cars (with containers)
  2. autorack cars
  3. Trinity hoppers

All pose some problems for tight radii, but Lionel has reduced the problem a bit with some clever couplers. If those couplers could be used for American Flyer high-rail couplers as well as Kadee 802 couplers, Lionel might find some sizable sales as long as they stay away from glossy fantasy/heritage paint jobs.

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