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I don't think it is Frank Ellison's layout for two reasons. First I think his layout was outside 3rd rail. I can't see any outside 3rd rail on the video. It is hard to see the track clearly however, so it could be there. The few closeups however do not seem to have it.
The second reason is I don't remember ever hearing of Frank Ellison having animation on his layout like the fire trucks moving along a road. It may have been there, but if so, I think it would be mentioned more often in the model press. Frank's layout was quite track intensive and this layout seems to have a lot of scenic areas without track.
Prrjim , yes I didn’t see a third rail anywhere, I agree. I wonder if this guy belonged To a NJ 0 scale club seeing how the passenger cars named Railroad of New Jersey . Just my guess.
I attended years ago a Maurer auction where the Donaldson section of the Delta Lines layout was auctioned off.Rich Yoder was also with me. The section was in very poor condition but recognizeable.
john P Dunn Sr.
Jdunn, but was the Donaldson section out side third rail?
I do not recall.
Rich and I was very surprised what the bidder bought this piece.
Jdunn ok thanks
That isn’t Ellison’s layout, pretty simple.
Dennis Holler yea doesn’t look like any of his stuff. This is a unique one alright.
Hello all ..neat old film ...but not Delta Lines ..Delta Lines was always outside 3rd rail.
I have most of Donaldson and Raymondale from Frank Ellioson's Delta lines ..and yes running with outside 3rd rail
Cheers Carey
please see video link for footage
Carey Williams thanks
The fire vehicles are moving using stop-motion photography. They are not animated in the usual sense. At approximately 23:00 the traffic signal changes position, probably caused by the photographer bumping into it as he re-positions the fire engines.
Arthur P. Bloom from what I read he had powerful magnets underneath the table on hand held rods that let him move the vehicles.