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This is the piece in a set of structures being built for a customer. It is a two-stall open air locomotive shed that was very common in the west when AC was not around or available. The open structure would allow air to circulate inside.

This particular build deviates from the normal structure plan. A sample shed is shown below.

Engine Shed [1)

I am deleting the two open trusses and replacing with on large truss. I have also lowered the angle of the roof sections.

The basic superstructure is H-12 columns with B-10 supports. If you look closely at the bottoms of the superstructure you see large footers for the H-12. In this build I cut off the base of the footer and am painting theses separately to look like concrete pillars.

This build will be a little challenging in the the customer wants the superstructure painted black and the side walls gray. Usually they are one color so I build the superstructure, laminate the side panels and glue every thing on before the laminated sheets start to warp. In this case I am going to have to laminate and paint the side panels then glue them on. Still mulling over this.


Above is the assembled superstructure.

Below is after paint.


Next photo is the footers. I start with black then use red oxide which is what is shown. Next comes dark gray followed by either white or light gray depending on the look I am after.


I have .040 thick solid styrene sub-panels cut for the internal and external siding plus the corrugated sidings to be laminated onto the subpanels.



Images (4)
  • Engine Shed (1)
  • IMG_3542
  • IMG_3554
  • IMG_3555
Original Post

It's a mess - the shed is with a bunch of other stuff being painted for the customer. I have the side panels cut. I will laminate and paint today and as soon as I can touch the paint I will glue the siding to the superstructure before it warps. Usually plastic cement or contact adhesive is used to laminate the figured siding to bare styrene. Both methods however will result in warp. For this assembly I will try gluing only the perimeter of the sheets. I am also thinking about bracing on the other side of the panels but am not sure they would look good in this application.



Images (1)
  • IMG_3564

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