I have several uncouplers on my layout. My track plan includes the couplers because I knew I'd have long consists that I'd want to break in the middle where electro couplers aren't available. There are 5 storage sidings on the upper level and 8 on the lower, each with an uncoupler right after the turnout. All my track, turnouts and uncouplers are Atlas O. The more important question is if you use command and control and which one? I use DCS and love it for everything...except controlling my uncouplers. I see jrmertz uses DCC with his Legacy and he's right, it's great to control your sidings with the remote. The problem I've had seems to be related to a TIU software issue where the Accessory Port activates and stays on and fries the uncoupler. I've had to replace 4 uncouplers so I've set up a different circuit that only powers the uncoupler ports temporarily so they don't get fried anymore. If you use the basic push button switches to activate your uncouplers, you won't have to worry about this problem but figured you'd want to know if you have an older TIU.