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rdunniii posted:

Speaking of which, Dave Davita sold the last of the Key Cab forwards at the show.  There were 3 left, now there are none.  The 4th one at the show is Dave's.

They are a remarkable "state of the art" model with some serious detail and technology incorporated. A total of 78 AC models in 14 versions were built including 3 that were DC only. I believe the KEY AC's and the Kohs Challenger will be the high water mark for articulated steam locomotive models for some time to come.  



I went to O Scale West this year mostly to look and make a vacation out of it with my family. We went across the Bay Bridge, over the Golden Gate Bridge (twice), under the Golden Gate Bridge and around Alcatraz. Visited fisherman's wharf and Pier 39, rode a cable car, and went to Ghirardelli Factory (twice). Also went to Fort Point and the Palace of Fine Arts on the Presidio. Visited the Painted Ladies and the Full House house, drove down Lombard Street and had some good clam chowder. Also visited the Winchester House in San Jose.

Most of the stuff at the show that was beautiful to look at was overpriced. Case in point. I've been keeping my eye out for a Sunset Models Southern Pacific 4-4-2 in Daylight scheme in 2-rail. One recently sold on the bay for $285, and I got outbid because I wasn't able to be by a computer at end of auction. One table at OSW had this model for $500, another table had this model but not Daylight for $600. Once I see a price like that, no need to look at the rest of the table.

However I did find some Atlas O at great prices, some of which I squeezed into luggage and some of which I'm arranging to have shipped.

Sorry I didn't take pictures of the other operating layouts. One was a nice 3-rail layout, one a 2-rail layout by Orange County 2-railers, and another was an S scale/gauge layout.

Was good to see Rich Yoder again, missed seeing Andy Petersen and Scott Mann. Don't know many of the other names.

Next year I'll drive instead of fly so I'll have more room to pack my purchases!

I enjoyed the show and appreciate the work Rod and his crew put into it. Unfortunately a lot of folks couldn't attend due to the timing like Norm from Maine. I wouldn't mind personally if it was moved to another city so it could be held on a more accessible weekend. We may also be able to pull in some younger folks as well.  Thanks again to everyone who toils so hard to make it happen.



Chris Allan posted:

I enjoyed the show and appreciate the work Rod and his crew put into it. Unfortunately a lot of folks couldn't attend due to the timing like Norm from Maine. I wouldn't mind personally if it was moved to another city so it could be held on a more accessible weekend. We may also be able to pull in some younger folks as well.  Thanks again to everyone who toils so hard to make it happen.



They have looked high and low for another city, all the way to Vegas and back. There is just not any that has a decent show room to handle this. The Hyatt goes out of there way to make you want to come back, the accommodation are outstanding. The only thing I do not like for cheaper meals, is you have to go off site or pay the price. one soda one sandwich and a large pickle 15.00. Now if your into sushi 26.00 cheapest on the menu.  There Tuscan restaurant is very high priced and limited menu. Steak and salad 35.00 no baked potato + 8.00. only open certain times during the day. So families of 4 or more it's a lot.

So bottom line bring your junk food and soda  to snack after hours. Now with all I said

I always have a good time.



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