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Ok, my son and I are ready to get off the bedroom carpet and onto a permanent's my wife.

I've searched online for outside corner fastrack layouts and the vast majority are inside corner types...I'm going around a corner{L shaped wall in the basement}, not into one. 


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What we're looking for-

-2 to 3 lines of 3 rail for multiple trains running and one line for On30 to intertwine around and maybe thru the layout.

-4' out from the corner wall tip is a post that we can't move so that will have to be built around or into the big deal.

-I can go 5' out from the lower wall and keep an easy path around the layout- 6' would be pushing it there though. and the upward wall can go out 6'. 

-Length can be 8' to 9' max on the lower and 8' up from the post with 5'ish down from the post {pic} for a total outside length of 13'

- I'd like to see a minimum of 0-36 curves while using 0-48 or up to 0-60 curves.

-Height is an issue here since my 7yr old son will want to play "on" the layout...move things, load/unload the coal and log loaders...move the manual crane and crane car...the Burro crane that Santa will deliver soon will require hands on as well{not TMCC type}.


Anyone ever see any outside corner plans close to what we're looking for? We can mod as needed once we find something...Help. 

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Here's something I put together just to make sure I understood the dimensions. From what I gathered, the top 5' section and two 8' sections are walls, the rest is open to some degree for access around the layout. I don't have an ON30 track library, so I couldn't add that line and don't know how if would fit. I also didn't get fancy with crossovers, spurs, etc., that you'd want in a final design.


EDIT: Expanded layout 12" in left side.



Outside Corner

Outside Corner


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Last edited by DoubleDAZ

Thanks Dave. I was just going for any known outside corner layouts that might be out there that I couldn't find.


An update to the list will be me adding a "Lionel Disapearing train" apsect to the layout somewhere as well as a super streets line inside for more action. That post would be a good area to install a mountain and an underlayout big loop for the disapearing train, the way I figure it.


You nailed the given area I have to work with....the lower section is sort of set at 5' wide from the wall, due to the stairs being  8 1/2' from that wall, and my computer corner bench needed access,  but the left side of your pic can go to 6' don't go reworking anything just for this post.

This may be the time for me to finally go with a windows tablet, loose the old table and tower and toss the wireless router and printer under the stairs...for the trains sake!

Here's another thought on the corner. It also keeps with a philosophy that if at all possible, sneak in a broad curve. This is a double figure-8. Running "CNW-style" the grade up is 2.7% and the grade down is 3.1% for both loops. I've also attached the FasTrack shopping list.




Here's the 3-D rendering



Last edited by AGHRMatt

Hi Burlington Route,

I wasn't sure of your dimensions. Give this a peek... inside reversing loops and an outside line in mostly 048. The turn-arounds are ~ 60" wide. Add straights to fit the legs for length. Power the remote switches with accessory voltage and the non-derail will reverse the train automatically with switch motor assist. SCARM file attached.

Oh yeah, all the small pieces to make the reversing loops fit (26")can actually use 2-10" 1-4 1/2" and 1 1 3/8" for 25 7/8" total.


Tight Folded Dogbone


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Last edited by Moonman

Oh yeah he is...and I'm 6'4" so reach shouldn't be too much of an issue, but anything past that expanse would require an access hole....heck, might make one anyway, just in case.


Thanks Dave! 


Moonman, I like that one too for the separate tracks, but I like the one huge run too that Dave and Flash have been playing with....tough decisions!

Last edited by Burlington Route



Sinclair is right, but I don't think any of the plans offered so far are intended to be final versions, mine sure isn't. Until now, I wasn't sure you were looking for design help beyond sources for already completed plans from books, magazines and other websites. I still don't know if you wants single level, multiple levels, unattended running of 2 or more trains, etc. So, I didn't want to spend more time trying to design a plan to fit the space without more information. I agree that my latest design limits things to one train, but I wouldn't stop there if this were my space. Heck, I'm not even sure I'd keep the same curve sizes. This was just intended to give some idea of what would fit in the space and to make sure I had the dimensions correct.

Originally Posted by DoubleDAZ:



Sinclair is right, but I don't think any of the plans offered so far are intended to be final versions, mine sure isn't. Until now, I wasn't sure you were looking for design help beyond sources for already completed plans from books, magazines and other websites. I still don't know if you wants single level, multiple levels, unattended running of 2 or more trains, etc. So, I didn't want to spend more time trying to design a plan to fit the space without more information. I agree that my latest design limits things to one train, but I wouldn't stop there if this were my space. Heck, I'm not even sure I'd keep the same curve sizes. This was just intended to give some idea of what would fit in the space and to make sure I had the dimensions correct.

Dave, doing a web search came up prettymuch empty on outside corner layouts...99% of the folks out there are doing inside corner types...guess I have to be different{and I don't have a choice either}. 

The mention of a two height system is interesting...I love bridges and trestlework.


Your last version is nice, and I could see tweeking it as a loop to loop on the inside track with the curve by the LL corner to leave more room for the 0n30 tracks and a nice valley from corner to corner.

Oh- I forgot to mention these...The dimensions are going to give me 1' of room between the wall and the wallside of the layout...I was wondering why you couldn't figure out how I could reach across 3' from either side...then I reread my posts- oops....sorry!  

I'm going to get this right yet. Is it like this or should the top now be 5' instead of 6', a total of 6' from the wall? The main access is still from the non-wall side though.


Also, don't sell "inside" layouts short. Many of them can be modified for "outside" corners simply by changing elevations and landscaping.



Outside Corner


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Last edited by DoubleDAZ

LOL...your fine! You didn't have the wall space before and I wasn't gonna say anything....I didn't get it right, so it was my fault!

...and you are correct about corner layouts, but the majority shown out there are more of a "U" or are a 3/4 box of a room, to me it just seemed easier to ask about any outside corner types and mod as needed than do more work to convert a U type....hope that makes sense, but I just now grabbed another big cup of coffee to help{me!}. 

The thing is the measurements of the layout make a difference as to what can be put together. If the top is only 5' wide, that's a big difference. I assume 5' is the correct distance and I may need to make some changes, especially near the pole.


When it comes to the ON30 set, I don't know what diameter curves that has or what you already have, so I don't know if it will fit inside the O36 loops, etc.

So far, I can see tweeking your last one so there are in inside and an outside track...maybe a crossover in one spot to switch tracks/engines.

I have an operating lionel milk car{1}, cattle car{1}, barrel car{1} and log cars{3} with there respective platforms or bins, an MTH operating coal tower with crane, and a lionel merchandise and postal car that can deliver to the 3 passenger stations I have...and all will have to be set short arms reach near the outside of the layout so my son and I can reach them and play. The 0n30 mallet and galloping goose will just run and sound good in the mix....

Originally Posted by DoubleDAZ:

The thing is the measurements of the layout make a difference as to what can be put together. If the top is only 5' wide, that's a big difference. I assume 5' is the correct distance and I may need to make some changes, especially near the pole.


When it comes to the ON30 set, I don't know what diameter curves that has or what you already have, so I don't know if it will fit inside the O36 loops, etc.

-6' width at the top is correct with 5' on the bottom end....your fine.

-the 0n30 2-6-6-2 and goose can run down to 18" radius but I'll go a bit wider just to keep them happier, so my plan was to snake the 0n30 track in and out/ over and under the 3 rail since it runs the down to the same 0-36 that lionel runs...and I have a case of code 83 flex track to do just that too.

Originally Posted by Burlington Route:

Dave...I like it but the dang post won't play nice with that idea

Come now, surely you're clever enough to put a slot there so you can pull the table to the lower left at an angle.


Seriously though, as you can see, I'm still playing with this idea to run 2 trains unattended and different levels.



Outside Corner


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Last edited by DoubleDAZ

Burl Route,

Ok, one more offering... I tried to keep the tracks simple and limit the switches. I added two stubs for accessories almost 30" long. If you delete the inside elevation(by the way, uses two riser kits and one elevated kit) you would have the long inside straight for the other accessories. This is built all from factory pieces, but you could make fitters and eliminate the small pieces.


I kept the dimensions to what you have developed 1' access at the top, a walk around area inside and the outside walk around. The son should have plenty of access. The ends are 60" wide with the center 25" wide. height is at 36", wall is 96"H x 96"w x 96" long(inaccessible area)


I don't know anything about the other train or track, so that may not fit and I didn't attempt anything. You could add switches on the long straight to change tracks, but that's four more.


A couple of photos and the SCARM file attached.


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  • From the desk
  • Layout view
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Last edited by Moonman
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