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I was hung up on what color to paint this thing so I went with Rustoleum Colonial Red. Big mistake. I don't think weathering will help at all. There are still a couple of large smokestacks in the area and they both seem to be more brown than red. If you have a smokestack on your layout what color is it?




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If the image color is accurate, that looks much closer to a brighter red like Cardinal Red than what I'd expect for Colonial Red, which reminds me of a dark red/brown primer. Companies could have used a lighter red brick deliberately or that is the color brick which their local ingredients produced. Remember it is whatever you like! Would going over it with a black wash make it appear darker?


Last edited by BobbyD
BobbyD posted:

If the image color is accurate, that looks much closer to a brighter red like Cardinal Red than what I'd expect for Colonial Red, which reminds me of a dark red/brown primer. Companies could have used a lighter red brick deliberately or that is the color brick which their local ingredients produced. Remember it is whatever you like! Would going over it with a black wash make it appear darker?


I definitely don't like this and the can says colonial red # mistake..I ran dry with the colonial red so I grabbed a can of Krylon with a sort of red top but the label says burgundy. I don't think multiple black washes would help. When it drys I'll shoot primer and start gain maybe with a heavy adobe wash.

jcovert posted:

Here is a pic - Cadmium Red Hue Medium 2 Liquitex Spray.   Mortar is tinted gesso.  I think I used a raw umber wash.  I used a pan pastels for the rest of the weathering.smokestack

Looks good Jeff. I've tried using gesso for mortar but it doesn't work for me. Maybe I put it on too thick. I like the initials. Tomorrow I'll see if I can get dry transfers locally.


Hi Joe,

The lettering was from a stencil that the owner of Altoona model works will cut for you.  You just need to shoot him an email of what you would like.  

I use full strength gesso, I think the key is to gently wipe off the excess, quickly, with a damp smooth cloth, like a cotton hankee.  I rinse the hankee frequently in warm water, then wring it out

mine got modified a bit


Joe you can weather that and it will change the color without priming and repainting. If you add all the extra paint, you're gonna lose some of the brick/mortar detail. I know, I'm one to talk because I covered mine in spackle and sanded it down. I would just weather it with some black, brown, and light greys. It will be just fine.


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  • 20150729_094811
  • 20151202_163304_001

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