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There are a lot of posts that talk about painting hardboard or styrene to look like concrete. I have posted my method but never showed any 'construction' photos. The method I use is not the fastest in the world but I think it gets me to the color I like. Also as shown below I can 'tone' the final color to make the concrete look as dirty as I want.

After using an awl to make expansion joints in the hardboard I start with flat black paint about 80% coverage.

Painting Concrete [1)

When dry I use red oxide - again about 80% coverage

Painting Concrete [2)

Next comes dark gray - almost full coverage. You can kind of see the red poking through in places.

Painting Concrete [3)

Last up is light gray. Mist spray till you get the tone you like

Painting Concrete [5)

The neat thing is if the color comes out to light you can mist again with dark gray. Using the dark gray and light gray you can make the concrete as light or dark as you want. You can mist with black if you want soot or use powders for stains.

Painting Concrete [9)



Images (5)
  • Painting Concrete (1)
  • Painting Concrete (2)
  • Painting Concrete (3)
  • Painting Concrete (5)
  • Painting Concrete (9)
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Joe- Great post! I'll try your method of starting with the red. For our architectural models we use primaryily latex flat house paint colors applied with a Pasche airbrush. We usually prime with a light coat of Krylon gray primer. Three or four airbrushed coats of a light base color is what we start with.  Our go to base color is B-M 1521. To add color texture, we "spritz "- overspray over the work,  allowing the paint droplets to rain down. Typically at least one darker and one lighter color are used. Our latest shadowbox brick has six spritzes on top of the base color. As you suggest, modification can be made at the end, even overspraying with the original base color, if needed.

Thank you very much. I constantly struggle with "concrete" color....I must have over 12 different samples I am trying right now and still am not happy.

Let's not even start on getting my "rock" color correct! 

I may add, what also works for me is a final spray of India Ink and rubbing alcohol spritzed on but it takes a little practice to get the technique.

Thanks again, I will give your process a try.


I'll have to try that and see how it looks. What I've been doing and works and looks great is brush my sidewalks, driveways, etc. with Model Master aged concrete, then mist spray a light gray using a rattle can bought at Wal Mart. Let it dry then give it a wash with black acrylic to bring out the details. Later I brush some black, Dark Grey, chalk in various heavy used areas.

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