Originally Posted by Choo Choo Barn:
I use a lot of different timers that are made for the burglar alarm business. Very reliable and easy to use. They make a latching relay board that will hold until there's another trigger. I also have a bunch of small mechanical latching relays in my parts box. I love relays, they are the backbone to most of the switching on the CCB layout. I'm looking forward to your diagram or schematic. I probaly already have most of the parts I'd need.
After further thought I think you can accomplish what your want with 3 timers,1 single shot and 2 delay on make such as Mars 32391 and 3 relays 2, SPDT and 1, 3pdt. each in series with one of the above timers. These can be run off a filtered 24VDC supply for example made from 18VAC with a bridge and capacitor. My single shot timer is 12 volt so would require a 7812 regulator shown below and a 12 vdc relay.
Mars timer circuits
The DC motor voltage for the wheel could be run through a string of 3 amp diodes to reduce voltage,thus speed, to the motor and through the NC contacts of relay one controlled by the single shot timer. Reed switch and magnets on each seat on the wheel as mentioned before.
The reed switch in series to one set of NC contacts of relay two, when closed triggers the single shot timer (wired directly to the filtered DC supply) which opens the relay for a set time (5 seconds for example) and breaks voltage to the motor stopping the wheel for that time, then the wheel resumes. If wired this way the reed switch would trigger each time the magnet in the seat trips it unless relay 2 is open..
Relay two is 3pdt and its coil is wired in series with a delay on make timer module through the NC contacts of a relay three. Relay two timer is set for 12 times the duration of timer 1 (60 seconds for example). After that set time the wheel has stopped 12 times, once for each seat,then relay 2 opens. One set of contacts breaks the reed switch circuit so the wheel does not stop at each seat. A second set of contacts jumps out the diode string so the wheel runs at full speed. A third set powers a delay on make timer module in series to relay three coil. After the set time (2 minutes ride time duration for example) relay 3 opens,its contacts disconnecting power to timer and relay 2,resetting it. When relay 2 opens relay 3 drops out and timer 3 is reset. A small capacitor may be needed across coil 3 to allow time for timer to reset..
The cycle is then repeated with the wheel stopping at each seat until timer 2 comes on again,then timer 3.. With an additional relay and capacitor run off timer 2 or 3 further speed staging could be accomplished so the wheel slows down a bit before stopping to unload riders.
Try drawing this out. If it is not clear I will try to post a diagram later.
Dale H