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I've ordered 12x of the boards from OSH Park. However about half of the parts listed in the original post are out of stock on DigiKey. I know I may be able to find them from other suppliers but I'd really prefer to just get everything from one place for simplicity.  I'm looking for confirmation that this parts list will work!

C1: 35PX1000MEFC10X20
D1: DB107-G
L1: 78F220J-RC
R1: CF18JT27R0
R2: 82PR500LF
U1: LM317T

Note that I chose a larger cap on purpose because these boards will be going into 20" Superliners and I expect to be using more LEDs than a regular passenger car (I plan to detail the interiors, so many parts of the cars will have upper and lower levels illuminated) and would also like them to be bullet proof even at slow speeds. I also swapped the 200 ohm pot for a 500 ohm based on recommendations in the original post.


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parts list from DigiKey
Original Post

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A couple of comments. That cap should be fine but at 20mm height may cause problems fitting it into a tight spot. Have you looked at 680 or 820 uF sizes?

D1, U1 and L1 shud be fine.

R1 sets the upper output range. 27R gives you about 45 ma. Since you will be using at least 9 segments of leds per car you might want to use 24R which will give you 50 ma output. This may look better in streamliners, it’s all very subjective. I have settled on 24R for all builds these days.

R2 sets the lower output range and 200 ohms will give 5ma; 500 ohms will give 2.4 ma. IMO with 9 segments (27 leds) you will not likely want to be anywhere near there. I have never set a board output at anything less than 20 ma but that’s me. 500 ohm can’t hurt though.

Only my opinions of course, YMMV!


Last edited by Rod Stewart
@Rod Stewart posted:

A couple of comments. That cap should be fine but at 20mm height may cause problems fitting it into a tight spot. Have you looked at 680 or 820 uF sizes?

It is a bit tall, but I'll have room at the ends of the cars where I these boards can take up the whole height of the first level if they need to. There aren't many windows on the lower levels of these cars, so there's plenty of space for the board, even with a tall cap, at either end where I won't be adding any detail.

R1 sets the upper output range. 27R gives you about 45 ma. Since you will be using at least 9 segments of leds per car you might want to use 24R which will give you 50 ma output. This may look better in streamliners, it’s all very subjective. I have settled on 24R for all builds these days.

Thanks for this! I'll probably switch to 24R to go with the 500 ohm pot to give myself more range. That should help me get the brightness of each car matched even if some have more or fewer LEDs than others.

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