im looking for an elevated cross walk to go over 1 track must be o guage to go from station to another platform i cant find any is there a sight to maybee build one??
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Lionel had one with a built in speedometer
We just had a thread on this subject. Most old-timers here use the Plasticville/Bachmann #45974 Pedestrian Bridge, no longer manufactured, which is easily kitbashed. This exact bridge design originated in UK/Denmark and sold as Kittle Kit in the U.S. at B&B Hobby Supplies of Bridgeville, PA which is now defunct. I mention this because I see that the Kittle Kit was sold on ebay for $30 in November 2020. So keep searching for the web for Pedestrian Bridge as Plasticville, Bachmann or Footbridge from Kittle Kit. They are all the same product. You'll eventually find one.
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