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I just finished a church with their kits.  Since the wall castings are the same on both sides, I decided it would be too difficult to cut out windows to fit closely into each window pane.  So, I just went to the web for church window photos, printed up sheets of them and glued them inside the walls.  I cannot light the building this way, but you can see a hint of church windows from the outside now.  Instead of lighted windows, I am going to put a couple of ITT's church sound modules into it so at least you can hear organ music and church bells.

Forty Rod:

You think about gluing velum to the inside of the windows. Velum will give you a frosted look.


Just had a thought. I could print up some decals of your church photos. You mount them on clear plastic and glue to the inside. This way you can place lights in the building. All that is needed is 1:1 PDF file.


Joe, I actually thought originally thought of printing the church windows I downloaded from the web onto a velum that takes inkjet printing.  But as I noted and as Tom noted, the contours of the walls on the inside are such that I would have had to cut out each window pane separately. Was not going happen.  So, as we noted the other day, I plan to add a couple of ITT sound chips so at least you will be able to hear the church bells and organ playing. 

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