As some of you you, we have had the good fortune of being part of the Rebuild Penn Station initiative. If you want to learn more about the topic, do an internet search for Rebuild Penn Station and you can see what the project team is up to- creating awareness of the possibility and raising money to help fund the push.
Our work has been associated with the latter. The Hagley Museum built a beautiful model of the entire Penn Station, complete with working trains at the platform level. The station model measured 6' x 12' HO Scale! The model had its useful life in the museum and, before meeting the same fate at the original, was rescued by a railroad historian. The majority of the street level pieces of the model were brought to our shop back in April.
We completed a restoration of the 7th Avenue facade several months back. The Main Waiting Room restoration was completed today for an event this evening in New York. Here are a few photographs taken before it headed out. The 33rd Street entrance facade would be rather impressive in O Scale. The length of the Main Waiting room and pedestrian bridges over the carriageways would be about ten feet in O Scale. Any takers?