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I remember seeing in many layout planning books for tinplate trains as as child a track plan with what appears to be two loops of track, but in one corner are back-to-back switches that control the loops. Thus, only one train can actually be run but you can have them take either track. I don't remember if they used O or O27 track. Below is what I remember, which I quickly drew up. It fit on a 4' x 8' board.

Does someone have this already drawn up in an actual track planning program for tinplate (not Fastrack) track? I don't care what is inside the loops, as I can adapt that to whatever I want. Without any tinplate track or switches on hand, I can't really mock it up myself.




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Your plan gives one train the option to go on one of two loops using two switches.

With the same two loops and two switches you could have two loops with the switches back to back and have two loops allowing two trains running, one in each loop and still have the loops connected.  You would have to back the train from one loop two the other for one direction.

Two train operation is much more interesting to operate.  You would have to have two transformers, like two relatively inexpensive LWs or one ZW or KW etc. that can run two trains.

The two switches could be the two in the bottom, left side in my Main track diagram control panel shown below.

My Trains 4-18-2016 014

I have optioned to use four switches, with the other pair on the bottom, right connecting the loops also, so I could go from one loop to the other in either direction from either loop and have two train operation.

For four switch usage it hard to beat the figure 8 shown in the inner loop.  It provides reversing in either direction for lots of action.

A 5ft x 9ft ping pong size table will give much more room for a by pass / storage track and accessories, etc.

If you want lots of switches and 027 consider Marx 1590 remote operated switches which can be had for $10 or less each.  I have 31 Marx switches on my layout and how it was built on the below OGR topic.


Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie

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