Much progress has been made during the past week as shown by the photos below:
Nice, Arnold. A great little town.
There's nothing wrong with plasticville. The coaling station and the signal bridges are in my opinion scale sized. Also some of the town buildings can be used in the background. I have 2,the police station and the fire house I am using for small warehouses and offices.
I cover the windows with a translucent plastic, add lights and repainted the exterior to my liking.
My son added lights to the signal bridge and wired them with a relay so they will change aspects based on track occupancy.
The new town of Arnoldville looks fantastic!
You got a lot accomplished! Nice work.
waiting for the videos through town!
This is not a bridge to no where; rather, it is a bridge to Plasticville:
The destination is now mostly complete:
OK, you snuck this one past me Arnold. Just caught up. Nice addition.
I like the P-ville as well. Need to find a way to add some one day.
Bob, you will find it relatively plentiful and affordable, even with all the details and boxes, at local hobby shops and train shows; and very user friendly.
I originally intended the expansion to have a custom made Lionel Factory and a 2 stall engine house. However. those items turned out to be too big, while Plasticville was just the right size for my expansion. Arnold
When I was boy, we had a small 5 and 10 store in Homer City. Mr. Harmon the owner , always had some Plasticville for Christmas.
Arnold - the Plasticville factory is a classic! You must make the space for one on your great layout.
I'm trying to find space for the "Union Station" - another Plasticville classic!
@Don Winslow posted:
I'll need to build another layout expansion. LOL, Arnold