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I am incorporating a corner tunnel with a loop of o gauge and standard gauge track. The ogauge portals are plentiful. I like the ones by scenic express and woodland. However, not much out there for standard gauge. I have looked at g scale and they just seem too big. 

Although the handmade ones out of wood are nice, I prefer the ones that either look like concrete, stone, or rock.

Any ideas?

Joe Gozzo

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Hi Joe,

You might consider buying one for G scale. Then using pink or blue construction insulation, cut scaled size blocks. Line the tunnel Portal openings allowing enough clearance for your equipment ( You may need to cut the openings a bit larger to fit the block in the opening) Stick the blocks together with tooth picks and work with them until your satisfied with how they look stacked. ( That's why I recommend toothpicks) Then paint with a stone colored latex paint. Add some Woodland scenic s material so they don't look Sterile and you should be good.

Rich Yoder

I used G scale tunnel portals for standard gauge. I like the Aristo Craft 7401 tunnel portal. It's a little big, but standard gauge trains are not to scale. The height is about the same as the 440 signal bridge, so it's not too tall. Also, if you ever want to run any of the really big standard gauge engines, you'll be glad you have the extra height.


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