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Looking for some wiring help. I just got a postwar 154 crossing signal with the 3-port base. Is there a way to wire this to Fastrack? I’ve seen a video on YouTube about pulling the pins from two sections of Fastrack to make an insulated section, creating a spot for an accessory to be wired to. But do all three contacts on the base need to be wired to the bottom of the track section(s)? Any help would be appreciated. Would love to add this to my layout and have the alternating lights operate. Thanks!

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The #1 terminal is common and usually goes to the central rail. Terminals 2 and 3 each light one of the red lamps. This is designed to work with the 154C track clip. I do not know if there is any thing equivalent for Fastrack.  You could get a electronic crossing lamp flasher.  Dallee makes one.  It alternately flashes the lights. There is a single wire for turning the flashing unit on with power from the track. 

What he said.  Dallee 367.  Link has easy to follow wiring instructions.

There are other suppliers of flasher modules as well - seem to be in the $20-$30 range.  If you want to dig deeper, search OGR for something like "154 flasher" and you will find dozens of ideas from DIY circuits (requires soldering) for a couple bucks to more complex (expensive) flashers such as with accompanying bell sound.



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