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When I started this layout I didn't plan to do a lot of detailing but once I did a little I find it's relaxing and makes for way better scenery. I had no intentions of using and wiring phone poles. I changed my mind but now I find trees in the way of the lines and I don't want to move the trees. Suggestions of how to work with this would be appreciated.

Earlier this year the power company did a massive tree 'pruning' where i live (rural). I guess I could do like they did and just cut 90' trees in half or cut the limbs off one side of each tree.



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Dobermann  yes the tree pruning artists for Ohio Edison did a wonderful job sculpting the trees around here. It will look very realistic to anyone around here when they see you layout if you do your trees that way.

If you are looking for power poles we have them as well as transformers, power standoffs as well as lighted poles here is a link:


If possible I would try and shave the trees on one side clearing a path for lines.   That is a common sight here in Georiga.   

Also, is it possible to move some poles to the other side to avoid the trees.   I only mention that as I have seen roads where the power lines crisis cross the road at various points.   Don't know why they did that but it might be another option.  

If you trim them it would be nice to see a photo of the results as I have never seen that on a model train layout.

Good luck,



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