I am looking for an odd beast, something on the order of a 5-pole, dual-throw knife switch (or equivalent).
It's purpose will be to switch between 3-rail AC and 2-rail DC operation on a loop of Atlas track on our latest club layout.
The way I figure it, I want to connect the 2 outside rails together and then connect both to one terminal on an AC transformer while connecting the center rail to the other terminal while at the same time disconnecting the 2 outside rails from the 2 terminals on a DC powerpack (and vice versa). It is vital that connecting to the AC disconnects from the DC (and vice versa) or there will be a dead short and fireworks. If I can gang one SPDT and two DPDT knife switches (or toggle switches) together so that they all throw at the same time, I can make this work, but I can't find any "modular" switches that can be ganged in that manner.
Does anybody know of something of that sort?