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I am looking for an odd beast, something on the order of a 5-pole, dual-throw knife switch (or equivalent).

It's purpose will be to switch between 3-rail AC and 2-rail DC operation on a loop of Atlas track on our latest club layout.

The way I figure it, I want to connect the 2 outside rails together and then connect both to one terminal on an AC transformer while connecting the center rail to the other terminal while at the same time disconnecting the 2 outside rails from the 2 terminals on a DC powerpack (and vice versa).  It is vital that connecting to the AC disconnects from the DC (and vice versa) or there will be a dead short and fireworks.  If I can gang one SPDT and two DPDT knife switches (or toggle switches) together so that they all throw at the same time, I can make this work, but I can't find any "modular" switches that can be ganged  in that manner.


Does anybody know of something of that sort?


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palallin posted:

...  If I can gang one SPDT and two DPDT knife switches (or toggle switches) together so that they all throw at the same time, I can make this work, but I can't find any "modular" switches that can be ganged  in that manner.


If I understand your question, you're asking if there is a widget akin to "handle ties" used on panel circuit breakers to mechanically interconnect adjacent breakers?  In other words, something that mechanically interconnects 3 adjacent toggle switches so all 3 handles flip at once?



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I’m a member of a club which has 12v DC and 19v AC for DCC, wired to the same test loop. The security was much discussed and the solution, since the transformers are different units, is that we have a plugboard attached to the baseboard.

On that plugboard, two sockets - a coaxial socket for DC track power, and a proprietary socket for DCC. Neither are mutually compatible. 

To switch over, we turn off the power at the wall, remove one socket, plug in the other and turn the power back on to the relevant transformer. Simple and unambiguous. 


It does occur to me that if you want to switch between 2-rail and 3-rail, you will need to pay attention to endure that (1) you have no “common return” connections anywhere, linking both outside rails (2) you have no reversing loops, because they require special arrangements in 2-rail. 

RoyBoy posted:

How about a switch controlling the coil of a multi contact relay?

That's the ticket. Do  a search on eBay for "Fuji Electric SJ-0G SJ12AG 24 VDC Coil Reversing Motor Starter SJ-OG SJ0G".

This is a reversing motor starter. Wire the DC on one side, the AC to the other. They are mechanically interlocked meaning you cannot have both energized at the same time. Control it with a selector switch. Use a NC contact to energize one coil, a NO contact to energize the other.

Cheap, easy, done.

Last edited by Gilly@N&W

If the original question is about a widget that allows mechanical "ganging" of multiple switches, that's one thing.  But if it's an electrical question of how to steer/select how 3 rails go to 2 transformers, then why doesn't a 3-pole 3PDT as rtr12 suggests work?

Pole 1: outer rail #1: toggle selects AC- or DC-

Pole 2: center rail: toggle selects AC+ or nowhere

Pole 3: outer rail #2: toggle selects AC- or DC+

in which case there are modestly priced 3PDT toggle switches with 10 Amp AC capability:

3pdt toggle

And the center-off version would connect the 3 rails to neither transformer which might be useful for troubleshooting or whatever.


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  • 3pdt toggle

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