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@Ken Wing posted:

Suspect poster meant "Starrett."

I bought an X-acto one--three good small chucks, but lacks the rotating piece that sits in your palm; just a wooden handle.

MicroMark has several. Can't comment on quality.

Yeah, …spellwreck got me Ken, ….I did indeed mean Starrett,……I have about 10-15 of them floating around here in the machine shops, …..ancient as all get out, but highly accurate ….


I have a set of Starret pin vises, and have used them regularly for decades.  As discussed above, they are very high quality tools.

But I also use the  Shaviv #29057  HC1 Pin Vise Handle

You can get it on Amazon: SHAVIV 29057 - Handychuck HC1 Pin Vise Handle : Tools & Home Improvement

Its large size makes it both very easy to control and minimizes fatigue on the plam of your hand

Last edited by John Sethian

I love every Starrett tool I have, and Brown and Sharp, and Greenfield, and South Bend, and Pratt & Whitney, and Morse, and I need to go down to the basement to reconnect with all the others. These tools were made for the ages. Even my freebie Fafnir 6" rule is awesome. I think my Delta drill press has absorbed some of the magic, too. I'm sure I'm forgetting some of the other brands foundational to our country's manufacturing success  that reside in my basement. I honor them all, and they continue to serve me well.

@Ken Wing posted:

I love every Starrett tool I have, and Brown and Sharp, and Greenfield, and South Bend, and Pratt & Whitney, and Morse, and I need to go down to the basement to reconnect with all the others. These tools were made for the ages. Even my freebie Fafnir 6" rule is awesome. I think my Delta drill press has absorbed some of the magic, too. I'm sure I'm forgetting some of the other brands foundational to our country's manufacturing success  that reside in my basement. I honor them all, and they continue to serve me well.

You hit all the the good names I know and love!….in the railroad shop, it’s South Bend 9, Snap on, Starrett, Delta drill press, Delta bench grinder/wire wheel, Hanson, Klutch mini mill, ….the list can go on!..


Last edited by harmonyards
@swrr posted:


Yep, Truer words were never said about good tools.  I have Starrett micrometers but never knew about the pin vices.  This is good info as well as Aloris AXA lathe tool post.  

Have a great Thanksgiving,


Well, I cheated with the tool post, ….I bought the knock off version, ….still a wedge type, ….( piston type are junk IMO) …..130.00 bucks vs. 750.00 was an easy pill to swallow,……the reviews for the knock off were really good, so I went for it,…..wedges are very stable, and the tools hold solid,…..I’m glad I went with it,…..if I bought an Aloris for the RR shop, labor rates would’ve gone through the roof!!…..


@Ed Kelly posted:

I need several precision pin vises for the numbered bits, 40 through 65 or so.

#40 - #65 are pretty good sized drill bits. I very rarely use a pin vise for any drill bit larger than a #61 or #60.

When using drill bit #60 or larger I'm using my variable speed drill press, particularly so if it's more than a few holes to be drilled.

@swrr posted:


Thanks and more good info.  I did not know the issues with the piston type of tool post.  Which brand did you go with? Phase II, Bostar?

All, sorry for the topic drift but there really should be a topic on useful tools for O Scale machining.


I don’t think tools on a tool thread is a drift??……maybe??…….anyways, I bought an AXA from Jeff Besos ….actual brand unknown, …..let’s just say it came over on the Orient Express ……😉


Opened up a few drawers in my tool chest and found a few other names: Fowler, Millers Falls, Union Tool, and Cleveland Twist Drill.  Somewhere I acquired a box of the latter's center drill bits in varied sizes that were never used, including by me yet. Since I don't remember what I own, it's like Christmas to open these drawers. Almost forgot to include my Lufkin radius gauges in a leather case that is mostly disintegrated.

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