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I'm considering acquisition of an MTH steamer for use in conventional mode.  I'm only familiar with Lionel conventional and LionChief.  Is there anything I need to know about PS2.0?  I've seen something about battery charging, not sure what that's about.  Will the CW-80 whistle and bell buttons activate the same sounds in the MTH loco?


What about PS3.0- any differences from PS2.0 from a conventional mode perspective?



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I don't know much about the batteries, but I have run PS3 stuff in conventional mode with a CW-80 before. The bell and whistle buttons do work. However, I was having issues with the bell just ringing at random times. After a little reading on this forum I found out all you need to do is add a little extra load to the tracks. I put a lit caboose on the tracks and it worked great.

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