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Here is the model # link.

LHS repair.

Symptoms: starts with sounds but no fwd/rev.White battery reads 7.4 volts and headed to recycle bin.

Can i use a 9 volt alkaline for test purposes? Can i use my Z controller for a factory reset or do i need to use my DCS ?

Last edited by willygee
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The conventional reset is without any DCS system in the picture, it's the transformer reset with one whistle and five bells.  While it does "similar" things as the feature reset with DCS, they are not the same.  I've run into several situations where the factory or feature reset with DCS does not clear all the stuff that the conventional reset clears.  To me, this is one of the oddities of MTH DCS, there should be one "master reset" that truly clears all the odd settings.


Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:
Originally Posted by repair technician:

from neutral in conventional you can do a factory reset ,without dcs 1 bell and five whistle at 1/2 second intervals and if it resets you'll hear 2 toots on the whistle to let you know it has been reset!


That's not a factory reset, that's a conventional reset.

Isn't that what I stated 1hrs ago?  G

Originally Posted by willygee:

Here is the model # link.

LHS repair.

Symptoms: starts with sounds but no fwd/rev.White battery reads 7.4 volts and headed to recycle bin.

Can i use a 9 volt alkaline for test purposes? Can i use my Z controller for a factory reset or do i need to use my DCS ?

One whistle and 5 bells(conventional reset) done.Fwd N Rev,coupler and sounds now work after battery replace.The box graphics shows engine smoke.How is smoke activated?

Last edited by willygee
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

You're on the road.


Smoke is controlled by the smoke pot or switch, usually a intensity pot on factory installations.  You have to, of course, put around 20-25 drops of smoke fluid in a dry smoke unit before turning on the smoke. 


In conventional, the smoke pot (or switch) being on should start the smoke unit operation.

I can't find a pot or sw for smoke just the vol on tender. I am new to steam.

Originally Posted by willygee:
Originally Posted by willygee:

No switch volume pot only... must be hiding out someplace

Ah Ha....small sw under cab..gonna saturate wick and fire up soon.this simple stuff gets me sometime.My own stuff all DCS ps2 and ps3.

Holy crap....smokes,hisses and duz everything...nice slow speed action like my DCS diesels.

LHS will be happy as this is a resale unit. thanx all!!!

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Glad you found it, I've seen them on the tender and engine.  Usually on the engine they're a switch, on the tender they can be a switch or pot.


Joe, I've never reloaded a sound set into a non-working engine, it's an interesting thought.


GRG..10 drops of oil..can i put engine back in its box on its side?

Originally Posted by willygee:
Originally Posted by willygee:

No switch volume pot only... must be hiding out someplace

Ah Ha....small sw under cab..gonna saturate wick and fire up soon.this simple stuff gets me sometime.My own stuff all DCS ps2 and ps3.

Where ever the circuit board is installed for PS-2 is where the smoke switch is.  That is why on steam it can be on the engine vice tender.  Especially for PS-2 5V.


I believe all PS-2 3V have boards in tender for steam.  May be an exception, but I have not seen it.  G

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