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I second the motion to explore other avenues.  I stopped buying MTH products 2 years ago after waiting for more than 1 year for a PS2 upgrade kit.  I never did get the kit.  I finally cancelled the order.


There really is no excuse for the ongoing drama surrounding MTH electronics.  They have a good control system, but what good is that if you can't get the electronics?



Dave, I don't know how the guts resembles the original R-K Challenger, but on the Challenger I had to enlarge the location for the socket and take care that some tiny components on the socket didn't touch the frame.  It's been some years since I did the conversion so I don't recall the precise details.


Yes, it's been a few years since I did one too.  When I did my RK Mountain I had to cut off one leg of the firebox glow light mount to have room for all the extra wires from the new plug.  We will see what mods I have to make, hopefully not too many.  At least it's a large engine with a large tender and lots of room!

When I put the steam kit into the MTH General, I had to remove the diodes from the connector in the locomotive and locate them in-line in the wire harness.  I also had to chop that board down to clear the shell mounting posts.  Finally, I had to grind away one side of one of the posts for further clearance.  I don't think they planned on upgrading that one to PS/2.

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