I realize this was posted awhile back. Does anyone on the forum know when the upgrade bds. will be available from MTH??
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I was just told by MTH there is a batch delivering in October, but that backorders are more than they will receive. Depends how high up on the list you are.
Aren't the next batch of upgrade kits going to be to PS3, not PS2?
I'd bet on PS2, I don't think they have PS3 kits ready yet.
I'm getting the bad feeling I'm not going to get my kit, I ordered in July.
No PS-3 yet. They are going to happen.
Unless I am missing something, it appears that MTH has removed the prices for upgrade kits from the MTH club website, just showing the $25 deposit.
I think the club login is still down, I can't even login. I asked Kristi about it a few weeks ago, and she said they were updating the website and it would be down a month or two.
I'm getting the bad feeling I'm not going to get my kit, I ordered in July.
July?? Last order I placed took about a year to receive
I know, that's why I suspect that I should be thinking of other avenues. I guess I'll have to settle for some generic sounds and do my upgrades in TMCC.
I second the motion to explore other avenues. I stopped buying MTH products 2 years ago after waiting for more than 1 year for a PS2 upgrade kit. I never did get the kit. I finally cancelled the order.
There really is no excuse for the ongoing drama surrounding MTH electronics. They have a good control system, but what good is that if you can't get the electronics?
Steam boards are being shipped.
Steam boards are being shipped.
Just got mine today, so that must be correct.
You mean if you hadn't gotten yours I'd have been wrong?
You mean if you hadn't gotten yours I'd have been wrong?
Well... yes.
Actually, I was just confirming your report, no need to get in a snit.
Got steam kits today.
My steam kit arrived sometime last week too, I was away. I will be upgrading an MTH PRR T-1(4-4-4-4). If anyone has advice or some neat tricks for this one let me know. Thanks.
Dave, I don't know how the guts resembles the original R-K Challenger, but on the Challenger I had to enlarge the location for the socket and take care that some tiny components on the socket didn't touch the frame. It's been some years since I did the conversion so I don't recall the precise details.
Yes, it's been a few years since I did one too. When I did my RK Mountain I had to cut off one leg of the firebox glow light mount to have room for all the extra wires from the new plug. We will see what mods I have to make, hopefully not too many. At least it's a large engine with a large tender and lots of room!
When I put the steam kit into the MTH General, I had to remove the diodes from the connector in the locomotive and locate them in-line in the wire harness. I also had to chop that board down to clear the shell mounting posts. Finally, I had to grind away one side of one of the posts for further clearance. I don't think they planned on upgrading that one to PS/2.