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I had a PS2 3V board repaired by GGG. Not sure what sound file was in the board but was a diesel. My intention was to change over the connectors, battery harness, speaker to 4 ohm, and 3V battery to repair a AC6000 diesel 5V PS2 (20-2265-1).  I did all of the above but was still having issues. With some troubleshooting guidance from GGG, I found I had a bad battery. Thanks for your help.  I replaced the battery and the engine powered up correctly with DCS. The engine ran correctly with all lights, sounds, couplers and smoke working correctly, though the horn was not what I believe to be an AC6000.

Maybe should have left well enough alone, but decided to load an AC6000 PS2 3V soundfile.  I choose 20-2832-1 since this was BNSF and Freight. When I tried to load this file it gave me an error that file was not compatible with 5V board (even though it was a 3V board). Not enough memory?  I decided to load the 20-2265-1 5V file I had on the computer from the original engine. It did load the file very slowly and said it completed, but the engine did not start up.  Tried to start engine and nothing.  It had to load each sector twice with the second try at a slower speed (first time that has happened with any of my soundfile engine loads).

I did an 'add mth engine' and engine was found, but I could not start it up.  I do not have the original sound file from that board since I wasn't sure what engine it was from (probably a big mistake on my part).

At this point looking for any help on how to get this engine back operational.



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I found a 3V file of right size (20-2385).  It loaded and engine now functions correctly.

The loading took a really long time with each sector having to fail twice and load at slowest speed. Is this a potential problem with the TIU?  TIU is only connected to a short programing track with about a 1 foot wire.  TIU and Remote are at latest version software and using 5.0 loader program.  Previous to this engine, all other engines loaded at fastest speed.  I have another TIU I could try but would have to take it out of my layout.

For loading PS3 boards, you actually want a longer wire to "balancing" the signal.  MTH on their testbench in their shop has about a 30 foot lead to the test track on the bench.  They said they load better with the longer wire.  They will also load better with fewer errors using DC track power.  When I load sound files, I use DC and a longer wire to the track, no issues with speed or retries since I went to that scheme.

Lot of confusing terms here.  If I remember correctly it was a PS-2 3V board.  So no PS-32 or PS-3 stuff, nor longer wire.  Additionally if loading a PS-32 you leave the chain file alone as long as it is the PS-32 chain file for your type (diesel or steam, or special function).

So for PS-2 3V you can only load a PS-2 3V sound file or a PS-2 5V SF that has been upgraded to a 3V SF.  But you do have to watch file size.  Early 3V boards only have 1 meg memory and can not load the larger later 3V diesel files that run greater then 1Meg.  I am not sure why you got the wrong file type initially, I do think the consumer program does that sometimes.  Boards can also take time to load with sectors reloading 1 to 2 extra times at slower speeds.  It is a combination of the boards actual memory chip condition and possibly TIU signal strength.  I run into it at times.  It can also be due to a poor battery if your using one.  If the Power Supply is loaded down and voltage droops, the processor board has a hard time loading SF properly.  G

You have to load one of the PS32 specific chain files if it's not already loaded.  The PS32 board comes from the factory with a diesel chain file, if you're doing steam, GG-1, or something with a small smoke unit, you have to load the appropriate chain file.  The two marked are the more commonly used, diesel or steam with a standard sized smoke unit.


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Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

I always load the chain file first, though I don't "think" it would matter.  I figure that I'll get the correct operating environment set up before loading the sound file.

When loading the chain file, it's important to power cycle everything after the load, leave it off for at least 30 seconds.  You'll usually hear some code beeps as it powers down, and again when you power it up.  I power cycle on both ends as I load the chain file first.

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