I have some O27 uncoupler tracks on my “back of a door” O27 layout. I’m just on the verge of dismantling this layout, to paint the baseboard, fix and ballast the track, but there’s something I’d like to resolve.
Right now, the tracks have the 4-wire, 2-button controllers and the wires are considerably longer than is convenient. This is a problem for a layout of this sort, because it’s not easy to run wires through, or under the hollow core door. I’d like to simplify the wiring, and reduce the size of the buttons. I’d also like to run them from a common, constant voltage supply. I’ve recently bought a K Line uncoupled Track on eBay, which has much simpler wiring.
So, I have two, related questions
(1) can the Lionel tracks be reconfigured to use a single button?
(2) why are there two buttons? I notice they are marked “uncouple” and “unload”?