I tried for the 1st time taking apart and cleaning a PW E Unit. I followed a you tube video I found and it went easier than I expected. However it did not fix the problem.
The problem is that the engine does not operate (acts like its in neutral) when the e unit is switched to the forward only position (the light bulb in the engine does light up). Also when the e unit is switched to the Fwd/Rev setting, the train only goes forward. By that I mean the e unit cycles through forward, neutral, reverse, neutral, forward, etc when the direction button is pressed. But the reverse position acts like a neutral setting. Again the light bulb lights up on all the e unit cycle positions.
When I took the e unit apart, there was some burn marks on the drum and some plastic was slightly melted near the burn marks. One of the fingers appeared to have the tip melted off and other fingers were bent. I polished the drum up and cleaned and straightened the contact fingers as best I could.
I did put my voltage meter across some of the contacts while the e unit was cycled to the reverse position and found there is a voltage reading between both the yellow/green and blue/green contacts at the engine. That does not seem right to me but not exactly sure how that is supposed to be. This engine has 3 contacts going to the engine. Blue is on the left, yellow is on the right, and green is in the center and behind the other two.
I suspect that the e unit is still causing the problems and that I will need to replace the finger contacts and possibly the drum, but would like to get feedback as to if there is anything else I should be checking for the given info above. I would also like to understand better what wires should be supplying power to the motor in what e unit positions as I'm a bit confused from looking at a wire diagram for this engine.