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  After a long time down, I’m finally running trains again on an expanded layout.               The last loop I added power to popped a fuse, and upon checking with an ohm meter I was greeted with the beep of continuity between the center & common rails.  I tracked it down to several of the three dozen postwar (not new remake) O22 switches.  I had refurbished all of them myself over the years, and had gotten pretty good at it…

  I’ve always used accessory power to drive the switch motors, but that hasn’t been hooked up as of yet.  The few switches that exhibited continuity between the center & common rails were “fixed” by putting in the plug used to drive the switch motor by external fixed accessory power, and no longer had continuity between their center & common rails.  Is this normal behavior?  Since I’ve never operated the switches by track power, I can’t remember/don’t know if it normal.  Should I open up the offending switches to see why there’s continuity between center & common rails without the fixed voltage plug in?

Thanks in advance.


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Make sure the insulating pins are in the correct location for the non derailing feature. If not the coils will be trying to throw.  If the pins are correct, the coils are shut off by the set of contacts under the center of the track. Make sure that the control terminals are not asking the switch to throw and that the switch points are free to throw when commanded to do so.  

There is no need to tear into your switches. If they work fine, you will just make problems that didn't exist before. Cheap meters with continuity settings/buzzers/beepers will indicate continuity in the presence of non-conducting capacitive couplings, test with an actual load and you will see there is no conductivity(with all bulbs removed from switches & controllers).

Hijacking this thread a little.  I have a question on these 022 switches.  Is it possible to use two controllers on different sides of the layout to operate one switch (with a constant voltage plug in it).  I would think it is since the controller is just a momentary contact switch.  I assume the bulbs showing position are just feeding back from the connections on the switch itself. 

I'm planning out the next things I want to do on the layout as I'm away from it for a few months taking care of some family business.

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