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Do know if there is there a minimum current output limit for the LM317.  I am driving 2 LED’s in series with the LM317 and a 12.1K resistor so my output current should be 0.1 mA,  1.25/12100 = 0.0001, right?  I am using the LED’s as class lights but with this circuit they are as bright as the headlight.  Doubling the resistance has no effect.  Any suggestions?

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Originally Posted by MP147:

These LED's are from a battery powered Christmas light set.  I measured the current in the set at 0.8 mA, really 0.0008A, I measured it twice.  Here's my circuit not much to it.  It appears as though I have hit the low current limit



The LEDs should be connected between the adjust pin and ground. I just breadboarded this using a 120 ohm resistor which should regulate at 10ma and it does according to my Fluke meter. The LED is lit but not too bright which I expected. If you use an 80 ohm resistor the output should regulate at 15ma (.015).

To calculate the output resistor the formula is I=1.2/R





I guess if they are still too bright, you could dump some current with a parallel resistor. I think having the LEDs in parallel though would result in uneven illumination from the two of them. But if you had them in parallel, some equal value resistors in series with each one of them would even up the current to them.

Before you chisel that in granite, try this simple experiment.


Take a 9V battery and one of these marker lights.  I'm assuming they're either red or green, those will have a 1.5 volt operating voltage.


Use a series 75k ohm resistor (or a value close like 68k ohm will do) and see how bright they are.  I'm betting you'll find there's some issue with how you're measuring the current and they won't be bright enough for markers.


There are low current LED's, but I've never personally worked with them.  I buy my LED's in bulk, and I haven't scavenged Christmas lights for them, maybe they low current types?


Last edited by gunrunnerjohn
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