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I have 8 (all new in the box never removed)of these (3 duplicates missing one to complete the set and could not pass up on a good deal on them) and thought of making a residential street on a layout and how do you like them?
If you used these did you make a driveway or just park a car on the street? Did you put in a side walk?
Could you send a picture of them on your layout?


and missing the 11-90076 to complete the set.


Images (6)
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Original Post

These houses are great.  I would create a sidewalk as a step down from the walk up to the house.  Parking the automobiles in the street would add life to the scene.  Would you use 1:64 scale autos to be closer to some sort of scale with the houses?

I still have a few of these left in stock:
(click on photo's to order online)

  Sorry, the one plot you are looking for is sold out but I am sure there are still some dusty boxes on someones shelf out there.  Enjoy these, they are beautiful!

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