Hello All!
I'm not sure if this post belongs here or in the Electrical Forum.....so I'll start here and move it if directed too.
I'm about half way through converting a WBB GP7/9 to PS3. When I say half way I mean all the PS3 electronics and mechanics are mounted (main board, e-couplers, speaker.....no smoke unit is being installed) and wired. I am currently in the process of mounting all the LED lighting into the shell.
I'd like to do a test run of the engine with the engine shell off to make sure that I have the DC motors wired properly; so that I can see which end of the engine will default to forward.
My question is, is it safe to do this test run without any of the LED lights plugged into the control board's 40 pin wire loom? I'm thinking I would need to connect the 40 pin plug into the board to also test the e-couplers; to make sure they fire properly and to determine which is the front coupler and which is the rear.
BTW......if there's interest, I'd be more than happy to share pictures of how all this "stuff" fits into the skinny GP7/9 shell.